کد خبر:13646

The adventure of spying by the Baha’is – particularly in favor of Israel

        The intimate and close relations between the Baha’is and the Zionistic regime have caused the Baha’is to be the supporters of Zionism and have changed the Baha’s into is skillful spies.       The spying background of the Baha’is goes back to the onset of the emergence of this cult and even before that. […]


      The intimate and close relations between the Baha’is and the Zionistic regime have caused the Baha’is to be the supporters of Zionism and have changed the Baha’s into is skillful spies.

      The spying background of the Baha’is goes back to the onset of the emergence of this cult and even before that. They have acted as spies for the Russians and the British. The following is an example:

      The formation of spying and terroristic assemblies in Constitution movement periods of time:

      During Constitution movement periods of time, nearly 200 hidden and active assemblies were existent and more than 30 leaflets were published. The assemblies were authorized by the open-minded and their agents whom Bahaism and Babism influenced remarkably. In all these assemblies, setting clergymen aside gradually, was discussed and the movement towards achieving the political system of government like the west was hot. In leaflets, Islam and its commandments were openly insulted and did the scholars too. Day by day, people’s beliefs were becoming weaker and frailer and frontages were breaking more. So that, one of the reasons for Sheikh Fadhlullah Nouri to be separated from the movement are there insults (the Satanic hands, a group of authors, 120-121). Bein-al-Tolouein and punishment committee were of the terroristic assemblies (Both were brigadier-generals of Cossack troops) and Muhammad Nazar Khan Meshkatal-Mamalek and Mirza Muhammad Nejat Khorasani who were members of Baha’i and Azali created fear and horror atmosphere. This group was in touch with the plotter network related to the intelligent service of England headed by Ardeshir reporter. Since Zulgadeh 1324 A.H., they started their activities in the hidden assembly and assassinated Sheikh Fadhlullah Nouri, Seyyed Abdullah Behbahani, Ismael Khan, the chairman of store-pit of Tehran city, Seyyed Hassan Mojtahed (the offspring of Muhammad Bagher Sadrul Olama and the bridegroom of Seyyed Abdullah Behbahani) and other murders. (the Satanic hands, a group of authors, p. 112). However, recent documents and evidence are indicating Baha’i spying for the Zionists.


      Spying for the Russian:

      Kiniaz Dalgourki, the curious Russian spy writes in his diary: “I was educating several of my confident companions as spies, but none of them was talent and merited like Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri and his brother Sobhi Azal. “When Baha was a Babi, he was spying for the Russian and receiving rewards.

      Abdul Baha, Bahaullah’s successor, continued his father’s path and method. He was spying for the Russian. The situation changed an and the communist Revolution of Russian happened (1917 A.D.) because the Russian government was busy with interior affairs and dominating on its conditions.


      The spy in the British arm

      Discovering documents indicating the Baha’is spying for the British caused Russia to confront against the Russian Baha’is. After the first international war because of which Soviet government was established in Russia, the Bolsheviks discovered a spying net in favor of the British inside the dawning place of the Mention of God in Eshgh Abad where is the gathering center and operation of the Baha’is. Nearly, 100 Baha’i people were killed. In the Baha’i resources, the Baha’ is have been accused to be the spies of England according to the Soviet government.

      Supporting the British troops by Abdul Baha during World War I and his spying in favor of Russia and England caused the sensitivity and opposition of the Ottoman government to be more severe to such an extent that Jamal Pasha, the commander chief of the Ottoman troops decided to murder Abbas Effandi and threatened: “If I conquer Egypt soon, I will crucify Abbas Effandi when I come back.”


      The Baha’is, spying for Israelis:

      Imam Khomeini (P.H.) stated frankly: “…The Bahaism system… is the spying system of the Judaism in Palestine [ the…usurp regime of Israel).

      Ismaeel Raeen says in this regard: ” Not only the Baha’ism heads in the past and the current Baha’i assemblies confirm and accompany Israel and the universal Zionism, but also most Baha’is are willing towards the Jewish and Israel government in most parts of the world particularly the Islamic and Arabic countries. It is heard and observed in most countries especially the Arabic ones that the Baha’is have entered into Mossad spying organization and are busy spying in favor of Israel.

      It is stated in SAVAK report about the Baha’is meeting in Shiraz city dated Bahman 20, 1346 S.H. in Amir Mottahed house located in Moshir Fatemi Street: ” The universal house of justices sent 14 members of your heads as a 25-day mission to Kampala in Africa, London, India and Pakistan. The spiritual assembly administration has sent the daily news of Arabic forces and spies from London to Israel government because our disciples have gone to each country having cherished names and the reports of each country is influenced by the Baha’is.”

      It is worthy to be mentioned that some supporters of Zionism and the great spies have supported this cult and have close relationships with them. For example, David Kelly, the supervisor of mass destruction weapons of the united nations who has been the member of secret organization M16 England became Baha’i by Mrs. Ted Peterson who is Baha and related to CIA organization. Or. Ramin Jahanbagloo, the spy of CIA organization and Shirin Ebadi, the intimate co-worker of the Zionists and Nobel prize winner who has repeatedly supported the deviant cult of Bahaism.

      One of the ex-Baha’is says about the intimate and close relationships between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime: “Now the great spies of Israel am practically Baha’is.”

      The universal house of justice in Haifa, Palestine is not an ordinary one, but it possesses several floors, basement and is anti-atomic building, secret and protected which indicates that Bahaism is a hidden and secret spying organization but under the cover of religion.


Bahaism in Iran
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