کد خبر:13656

Can the Israeli Jewish people become Baha’is?

       The deviant cult of Bahaism is not allowed to develop in Israel because the final aims of Bahaism and the usurp government of Israel are the same. Now, if a person wants to become a Baha’i in Israel, he/she must leave Israel.       That is, if an Israeli citizen wants to become Baha’i s/he […]

       The deviant cult of Bahaism is not allowed to develop in Israel because the final aims of Bahaism and the usurp government of Israel are the same. Now, if a person wants to become a Baha’i in Israel, he/she must leave Israel.

      That is, if an Israeli citizen wants to become Baha’i s/he must leave Israel and then become a Baha’i and he/she is not allowed to come back again. If he/she wants to come back, he/she must act based on the instructions and contracts existed between the government of Israel and the Bahaism organization (the universal house of justice).

      At the moment, traveling to Israel is so: The Baha’is travel to Israel for 9 days which must be done based on the pilgrimage organization of the cult. They must merely visit Bab and Baha’s grave as pilgrim and the managers who are working in Bahaism and also the servants and employees are present there for a short or long period of time such as several months, a year or two years.

      Of course, there are some limited members of the deviant cult of Bahaism who oppose the current organization (of course, they believe in Bahaism) and live in some cities of Israel) who are called covenant breakers.

      Since the Baha’is are considering themselves as Israeli soldiers, so, it doesn’t need for the Jewish to become Baha’i particularly when we refer to history, we will figure out that most people who have become Baha’i in Iran and then they and even in countries like America had been Jewish at first and then they have become Baha’is. Before Bab’s sedition; a group of Jewish people in Mashhad became Muslims and then they turned to Bab and next they got Baha’is. In Gilan, Mirza Ibrahim Jadidul Islam who was resided in Rasht city was a Jewish and became the preacher of the Baha’i cult in Siakgal. In Hamadan, the central and first core of Babism and Baha’ism was formed by the Jewish and they played a key role in expanding Bahaism due to their wealth.

      Shogi Effendi announced formally that supporting Israel is being preferred by all countries in the world and ordered the Baha’is to establish spiritual and national assemblies based on the rules of Israel. He has announced having relationship with Israel as the most important duty of the international council of Baha’is.

      The planned bond between Baha’ism and Zionism was based on the foundation that Shogi Effendi inspired it after the American one. During Shogi’s life, the government of Israel was formally formed in Palestine. Due to old differences between Muslims and the Jewish, Shogi decided to consider Israel land as the main center for the Baha’s and assume the Jewish government as the refuge and base of this cult.

      Consequently, Bahaism doesn’t need to proselytize in Palestine land occupied by the usurp and criminal Israel. Of course; in regions like the west bank which belong to Palestinians and the residents of that region are Muslims, they may proselytize. So, Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazan- the imposed and illegal leader of Fath movement is Baha’i and this issue has been revealed.



Sources: Abdullah Shahbazi and Ali Reza Rouzbahani’s researches


Bahaism in Iran
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