کد خبر:13677

The secret and self-interested policy of Bahaism in political affairs of countries and elections

      Bahaism looks upon the policy discussion as a tactic and will enter it if it favors and won’t enter if it harms.       Co-existence and interaction with the followers of other religions and cults is one of the principles of social existence which has been seriously mentioned in the Islamic knowledge, Quranic verses and […]

      Bahaism looks upon the policy discussion as a tactic and will enter it if it favors and won’t enter if it harms.

      Co-existence and interaction with the followers of other religions and cults is one of the principles of social existence which has been seriously mentioned in the Islamic knowledge, Quranic verses and the narrations of holy Imams. However, the approach of the Islamic scholars towards those who call themselves as followers of a forged religion called Bahaism is really severe and sharp and there has never been any agreement between Islam, Shia and Bahaism.

      Here is an interview with the clergyman Dr. Ali Reza Rouzbahani, the researcher in the field of cults and religions and also the manager of me’raj cult investigating think factory:


      – Has policy been posed in the organizational structure of Baha’ism or not?

      In its 12 teachings announced by Abbas Effendi, Bahaism claims for the lack of meddling with policy, but one the duties of the universal house of justices is meddling with policy and Bahaism looks upon policy as a tactic. If it favors, it will enter into policy, but if it harms, it won’t enter it.

      Generally speaking, Bahaism claims for not entering into details of policy and defending their rights.


      – Is there any example which violates in this regard?

      Yes, there are several cases. We don’t investigate prior the revolution, but after the revolution, they entered into the Iranian elections several periods of time and supported special candidates; such as1388 sedition. The Bahaism organization entered into the political games really openly and clearly in favor of a movement and it showed that it is a shameful lie that they claim for not meddling with policy. They will enter policy whenever it is necessary.


      – What about the upcoming elections? will Bahaism boycott it or support a special candidate?

      We didn’t see a distinct position formally, but in Bahaism body and huge policies of the cult, there is the discussion of opposition against all aspects of the Islamic Republic politically and socially. Baha’ism will take opposing stand as one of the serious opponents of the structure of the system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It doesn’t accept elections and considers it as apparent. We observe that Baha’ism takes stand against elections in Instagram and X network. Networks such as Manoto was continually asking people not to participate at elections when it was active. Now, Iran International in which some Baha’i elements are active is discussing about not to participate at elections. Or Asoo site which is a Baha’i one has recently introducing elections as a means for stabilizing an authoritarian system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It means it invites people not to take part at elections. Well, it means that Bahaism strongly disagrees with the presence of people at elections.


      – Some political parties are exploiting Bahaism. How do you evaluate this approach?

      Unfortunately, this issue has been done particularly the reformists discussed about Bahaism to attract public attentions and told lies badly; for example, there are a lot of Baha’i dead bodies that the Islamic Republic doesn’t allow them to be buried!


      – Is there any relationship between supporting Bahaism and supporting Israel?

      – According to me, defending Bahaism is defending Israel. As Rouhieh Maxwell said 70 years ago that our fate and Israel’s one are bond like the loops of a chain. and A is a organization I believe that Bahaism Israel are a chain. In elections atmosphere of the country, if a person wants to move in a course to support Bahaism for achieving his/her political aims, he/she will support Israel Originally.



– Source: The report of Fergheh News analytical and news site, Isfand 10, 1402.


Bahaism in Iran
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