کد خبر:13680

The Universal House of Justice and 10th of the lunar month of Moharram 1388 S.H.- an overthrowing organization

The movement trend of the deviant cult of Baha’ism towards playing the political role in the society aiming the positive effect on the Iranian Baha’i community conditions started coincided with the 8th elections of the Islamic Council Parliament which was assigned as a social movement by the Baha’is. However, the unprecedented participation of the members […]

The movement trend of the deviant cult of Baha’ism towards playing the political role in the society aiming the positive effect on the Iranian Baha’i community conditions started coincided with the 8th elections of the Islamic Council Parliament which was assigned as a social movement by the Baha’is. However, the unprecedented participation of the members of the deviant cult at 1388 sedition and playing an active role in the disorders especially the disorders of the 10th of the lunar month of Moharram (Ashoura) proved the political nature of the cult, first and second it showed that the aliens involved in forming the sedition movement and provoking it. This issue has been unprecedented during the past 100 years. According to the most recent gained and investigated information, the Baha’is enterance into the political issues and involving in sedition course in 1388 S.H. had been planned; although Baha’ism considers its survival in not participating at the political issues.

The Baha’ism organization has possessed contradictory behaviors during the years which has been originated from its nature. Iraj Gholami, freed from the deviant cult of Baha’ism, says about the organization behavior in 1388 sedition: “They were really happy and everybody congratulated. They were congratulating each other and saying: The government time is over and we would get free and achieve our wishes soon. What we were predicting would be happened. They were saying such and such has stated that flood of blood will be streamed by the Shiite blood particularly the clergymen’s one. This year, the prediction will be proved. They were very hopeful with the occurrence. I heard they were very happy spiritually. I wasn’t with them but I heard they were taking part in the associations.” Zamanian, one of the other people trapped in Baha’ism cult says about the real intentions of the organization regarding the system of the government of Islamic Republic of Iran: “Since the canvassing of the presidential election candidates, everything changed politically and religiously. Not only, their position against the system of government and Ahmadi Nejad’s one was came through; but also, they supported Mousawi and encouraged us to vote him, too.”


The Universal House of Justice statement and determining the strategy

On Sunday, 1388/10/13 thirteen Baha’is and two related Muslims along with eight other Baha’is were captured on a charge of participating in Ashoura disorders.

It is stated in the UHJ statement dated December, 25, 2007: “With “fixed resolve and perfect confidence”, and avoiding involvement in partisan politics, seize every opportunity to join your follow citizens in promoting ideals conductive to the prosperity of your cherished homeland…”

In the 10th period of the presidential elections and after the UHJ’s arrival at the political phase and issuing the official manifestos against the Iranian system of government, the Baha’i community asked for its participation at some candidates’ headquarters (including Mr. Mousawi and Mr. Karroubi) announcing its identity to help financially (It is assumed because of the backgrounds of the cult). They thought, the sedition movement would invalidate the system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Of course, they, then, participated at the meeting of their candidates. They exposed their identity by carrying several placards regarding the lost rights of the minorities and the students who had been deprived of education.

Meantime, after Hussein Ali Montazeri’s comment in favor of Baha’is, supporting the citizenship rights of Baha’is by Jamileh Kadiwar and Saeed Razawi Faqih (which was done for the first time in the Islamic Republic of Iran) was also influential. After the elections, the Baha’is practically joined the sedition movement and the green one. They also participated at demonstrations dates Khordad 25, Aban 13, Azar 16 and the day of Ashoura. Sending Email for Baha’is, this group expressed they must make a decision. They slogans such as “Allah is the greatest” and “O’ Hussein, Mir Hussein are vain. They believed they must shout the slogan such as “the political prisoner and the political student must be freed”. They were informing the Baha’i people to take part in the demonstrations by sending short messages (SMS).

Additionally, they were in touch with the VOA, the American human rights çenters and a human rights site relating to Monafeqin; although they were aware of the nature of the site.

It is stated in the notification of the revolution and public court of Tehran city dated 1388/12/22 mentioning the capture of the members of an internet network: “The network whose several of its members are of the one of the deviant cults (Baha’ism) transferred people to Iraq and other countries to be trained in Monafeqin seat.”


The Baha’i meeting at Tasou’a [the 9th of the lunar month of Moharram] night, 1388

As a matter of fact, the cult has acted in the form of a team. The team had done the necessary coordination and planned for the day of Ashoura in the form of four- people team by presenting in one of the captured people’s house to be prepared for the disorder.

According to investigations, one hundred Baha’is participated in the demonstration of Ashoura, 1338. The captured people confessed their presence in the riots. Although they tried to reject their destructive activities in this regard.

The important note is that these people are of the members of the families of the Baha’ism organization heads. Introducing some of them help the issue understood:

۱) Artin Ghazanfari, born: 1357, the offspring of the person of charge of 3-people organization of Baha’ism district 6 of Tehran city. He was the most active member participating on Aban 13, Azar 16, and the day of Ashoura riots.

۲) Jinous Sebhani, born: 1361 (Artin Ghazanfari’s wife), the daughter of one of the other members of 3-people organization of Baha’ism district 6 of Tehran city; she was Shirin Ebadi’s assistant who has been arrested and inquired at that time.

۳) Babak Mobashsher, born: 1357, Khanjani’s groom. Khanjani has been one of the main heads of the deviant cult of Baha’ism and is an influential person in glasses trade and one of the outstanding elements who was present in the day of Ashoura gatherings. He was investigating riot news by his connected people.

۴) Lawa Khanjani; born: 1365, the granddaughter of the cult chairman whose father is one of the wealthy people who was influential in glasses trade. She was present in the day of Ashoura riots along with her husband (Babak Mobashsher) and his brother Fo’ad and Payam Fanaiyan and etc.

۵) Payam Fanaiyan, the offspring of one of famous Baha’i families and has been one of the heads of the main teams. He was present in the gatherings in the Ashoura day.

۶) Nikaw Hoveydaee, born: 1359, the offspring of one of the elements of Baha’ism organization who is active in attracting Muslims and proselytizing for Baha’ism. He has participated in the day of Ashoura riots along with his wife, Mona Adl Peyma.

۷) Ahmad Rohani Wadeqani, born: 1360. He belongs to one of the famous Baha’i families and one of the heads of glasses trade who has stated his presence in his work place in Amjad passage instead of being in the riot.

۸) Farid Rohani, born: 1360. He is Ahmad’s brother. He doesn’t reject his presence in the day of Ashoura riot.

۹) Ibrahim Shadmehr, freed from Baha’ism in 1366. He is living with his Baha’i wife. He considers himself as Muslim. He has expressed his presence in the riot to control his son, Zawash. His offspring and he have been introduced by the Baha’ism organization.

۱۰) Zawash Shadmehr has been one of the very active members in the riots after the elections. He has said in his conversation about settling the system of government; He is one of the main head of riot activists in 1388 and has been one of the people in charge of organizing the associations in favor of Mousawi.

۱۱) Ali Reza Shetabi, is a so-called Muslim. He is a really corrupt person who had an extensive relationship with the Baha’i elements. He has had many deployments against the system of the government and exciting people to be present in the riot.

It is necessary to be explained that the captures have been done without mentioning the name of Baha’ism and without regarding to their relationships with this deviant cult. In the inspections, just the documents related to the riots have been detained; consequently, the Baha’ism organization has expressed its worry towards the Baha’i youth capture.

Zawash Shadmehr says in his confessions: “I was personally in touch with a person called Artin Ghazanfari and visited his several times a week and received him the news. Artin Ghazanfari’s father was one of the Baha’i servant in Amir Abad and Yousuf Abad localities. He himself played a role in the organization; but he didn’t exactly tell me. His wife, Mrs. Jinous Šobhani was one of the influential people in the organization. She was Mrs. Shirin Ebadi’s secretary and a member of human right defenders assembly which was managed by Shirin Ebadi.

The messages and e-mails sent by Mr. Ghazanfari caused me to think that the Baha’i community is running about. He was sending messages for me on occasions. This issue was a bit strange, too. Because the [Baha’ism] community didn’t involve itself in such issues. Meanwhile, there wasn’t any order regarding the presence. However, when the Baha’i groups gathered to gather for the football game, they were informing each other about their activities and news. So, I started some of my activities and entered into the subject. The society was violent to come to the streets to defend the candidates. On the other side, when we gathered for the football game, the guys were speaking about the events happened in such and such street directly or indirectly. They were saying if the issue were continued, a challenge would be created which was probably in favor of us. Of course, I followed some of the events via Facebook and became aware of the appointments and associations through this site. Of course, due to my father’s position and the fact that I was inviolable on my paternal family, it wasn’t advisable to be entered into the case since I might be identified.”

Concerning the method of conduction by the organization, he says: “What the organization ordered, possessed a series of parameters. All Baha’is understood each other and the codes. Consequently, it isn’t necessary for them to come and tell officially: Halloo, go into streets and take part in the demonstration. For instance, when the organization says you are allowed to take part in the demonstration, it means simply for the people outside the organization; but it means differently for me as district superintendent takes part in the music or football classes of Baha’is to order the necessary instructions for demonstration. For example, he says to set the rubbish bins fire or to break the windscreens or to attack to such and such place. So, the message is conceived by Baha’is and non-Baha’is differently. For instance, we are ordered to take part in the election, it mean we must participate at the political activities, too. Or we are ordered to take part in the associations peacefully, it means we must take part in the demonstrations and the riots. The main point is that the order are being communication from upper levels to the lower one sin the manner of friendship; that is they don’t directly order to do such and such task. Because it will hurt their manners. However, for instance, they allow us to demonstrate peacefully; and then some stimulations are being done through the friends or the superintendent of the district such as: we must ask for our rights or if we participate, we will surely succeed. Thus, I will be in a friendly atmosphere and accept the case. So, when it is spoken about asking for demanding in a friendly gathering, the case will be announced to upper levels and changed into an order or planning. In this way, nobody understands that the order for revolting has been issued by the upper levels.

It wasn’t clear that the day of Ashoura was to be an ordinary one. This issue could be figured out by the slogans, weblogs and speeches. That is, everyone expected for a great event to be happened.

In the day of Tasou’a, Mr. Ghazanfari sent a message for me: Tomorrow is the green Ashoura.” First, I thought Ashura is green as the symbol of Imam Hussein (P.H.); but after a while, I realized that Ahoura is the appointed day. The day foe when everyone was waiting. The city of God where was expected by everyone is this day.”

Concerning the contradiction of the slogan of not intervening in politics by the Baha’is and their participation in the demonstration and riots, he says:

“The organization considers its benefits and the place it can achieve its aims. For this reason it says we mustn’t meddle with the policy and it will be more successful if it doesn’t meddle with the policy. Now and then, it says we must meddle with the policy. This is a paradox and this question will be arisen: what’s this story? Nobody ćan also ask in this regard. Thus, they conclude they may achieve their aims by these two options; but if they don’t achieve their aims using the options, they will surely pass them and turn to other thoughts. Of course, I should say that these programs aren’t related to one or two days or 3 or 6 months; but they are planning for the issue and investigating the details even for several years.”

“Payam Fanaiyan” is one of the arrested people in the 1388 riots. Concerning the Baha’ism’s organizational order regarding the group activities of the members to proselytize and riot in 1388 sedition, he says: “Baha’ism entrance into the sedition is due to the organizational order; but they have entered from the specialized level to the public one. That is, they depend on the organizational tasks before the sedition. However, today, they depend on the personal actions, and awareness and the team tasks. Consequently, they commissioned the personnel to proselytize individually (Based on the belief that a person can unsettle a country alone). In fact, in 1388, the Baha’ism organization turned to the group system; that is, they said preaching cult aim in the form of organization causes vulnerability. So, a person must preach and proselytize personally in family, friend networks. This guidance was executed for participating at riots; that is, the Baha’i elements were taking part in the street riots ordered by the deviant organization in the form of family, friend networks.”

The issue is apparently evident in other cults and cells. In the evangelic cult of Christianity, they have turned to house church which doesn’t need the priest and Monafeqin has turned to the issue of human rights instead of the terroristic activities.

Payam Fanaiyan confessed the role of the Baha’ism organization in directing its members to participate at the riots in Enqelab court dated 1388/11/10 and has mentioned the organization’s great dominance on the members of the Baha’ism cult. He confessed: “In receptions, the organization informed us to be present in the gatherings. The Baha’is execute all of their affairs coordinated by the Universal House of Justice. Artin Ghazanfari, the superintendent of Baha’ism district 6 of Tehran city asked me to be present in the gatherings. I was present in most gatherings after the elections along with our friends. We weren’t allowed to be present in elections and the political activities before this elections and the elections for the 8th Parliament; but we entered into the political arena and elections during the elections of the 8th Parliament especially in the presidential elections.”

Concerning his method of participation in the day of Ashoura riots, he says:

“I received Artin Ghazanfari’s SMS dated 1388/10/05 concerning the gathering in the day of Ashoura. I received a subject-matter about the day of Ashoura gathering by Radio Farda. After being informed of the news, I called Babak Mobashsher and we were to have an appointment at 9:30 a.m. At the appointed time, my wife and I went to Fatemi Square and got on Babak’s car. Then, we went downward the Karim Khan Street from Keshawarz boulevard and Wali Asr square. After Hafiz and Enqelab cross, we went downward the Khark Street. Because of the traffic jam, we got off the car for a moment and then got on again. We were to come back from Wali Asr Avenue. After passing Wali Asr Avenue we returned from upward. Then, we moved toward Wesal Shirazi Street and the northern Amir Abad. At noon, we were nearby the northern Amir Abad mosque. Meanwhile, in the morning of that day Bashir Ehsanee called me and asked where I go and I said I had had an appointment with Babak Mobashsher along with my wife. In the afternoon of that day, we went to Bahsir Ehsanee’s-who is my maternal cousin’s son house and were there till night. That day the following people were along with us: Babak MObashsher, Lawa Khanjani, Foa’d Khanjani and our two friends.

In the day of Ashoura, we participated at the following streets: Fatemi, Zartosht, Karim Khan, Hafiz, Wali Asr, Enqelab and Keshawarz boulevard. I observed the conflicts between the gathered people and the police forces. I also observed a place enraged in Taleqani Street and Wali Asr junction and the slogans such as down with dictator and etc.

Khordad, 25: I have been with Ashkan Basari and I spoke with him by phone regarding this issue. I mean participating at the gatherings. Because his shop was at Enqelab Avenue. Additionally I asked him: What’s up? He said to me that he was in the demonstration and I went to his shop and went to Azadi square along with him. Ashkan’s car had been parked in Enqelab Avenue. We came back home by his car. During the period of time after the elections, I spoke with Ashkan and Babak regarding the elections and the events after it. Before elections, Ashkan and I were present in the election gatherings and spoke with each other a lot regarding this issue. We spoke about this issue in the house and job with the co-workers.”

Fanaiyan considers the universal house of justice’s aim concerned with inviting its members to participate actively at the gatherings of the day of Ashoura as following the Baha’ism community’s aims and gaining some privileges for them.

Artin Ghazanfari states in his confesses: “Based on our beliefs, a Baha’i person mustn’t meddle with the political affairs and we didn’t conventionally participate in the elections based on this belief in the previous years. However, nearly two years ago, the then servants stated that a letter has been received on behalf of the UHJ. It had been written in the letter that participating at the elections (parliament elections) isn’t matter for the Baha’is like other countries. Everybody can participate at the election if he/she likes.”

Nikaw Howeydaee’s confessions regarding Artin Ghazanfari’s activity in the riots: Artin said he would go towards Enqelab at nearly 9-9:30 and of course he spoke with one of his friends whose house was near Enqelab. But it wasn’t definite whether

it was possible to go there or not. He said he was waiting to be answered…. Jinous (Artin’s wife) said she wanted to be with Artin and they would be with each other.

Arash Sadeqi said he didn’t have any plan-and would stay at home. He said to me if he had woken up soon, he would have call me to go out. He called me the next day at 10:30 and went out nearly 10:30 to 11. Arteen Ghazanfari and his wife Jinous said Enqelab Avenue would be crowded the next day and a gathering would be held and they wanted to go there. At Tasou’a night, we were at home. The satellite networks announced that a gathering would be held in Enqelab Avenue.”

“Would you participate at the elections if no message were sent by the Universal House of Justice?” Jinous Sobhani was asked. Sobhani answered: “I wouldn’t definitely take part in the elections if the message related to two years ago weren’t about participating at parliament elections.”

Following the judicial measures against the Baha’i rioters, the negative reaction of the society towards the Baha’is increased and the Baha’i community was severely afraid of the probability of the political, social and cultural pressure against them after the events. For this reason, in their organizational meetings of the cult they changed their tactic and stressed their members not to meddle with the political affairs of the country.

Consequently, it has been proved that the Baha’ism claim concerned with the separation between religion and policy is a false one and is merely a tactic and proselytizing. The leaders of the mentioned cult organization are intentionally thinking of hitting Islam and Muslims and are also proselytizing in favor of Baha’ism and executing the dream for universality of Baha’ism. They use all means to achieve their goals; such as, deluding the youth by decisive slogans like liberality and the equality of rights, resorting to human rights and based on the circumstances doing the economic and exclusive activities in order to dominate on the Muslims and even committing some crimes such as saying for the enemies or interfering with seditions and riots in order to exploit politically and to achieve the organizational aims of the Baha’ism cult.

Recently, Iraj Naser who is from Iran and settled in Pakistan and also is in charge of Baha’ism office in Rawalpindi, Pakistan has said:

“There are many educated and wealthy Baha’is inside and outside Iran who can take the reins of power if the Iranian government falls. The foreign countries will support them, too.”

As mentioned before, the important note is that the activities by most Baha’is captured in the day of Ashoura, 1388 had been organized in family network framework. This strategy was one of the important advices stressed by the sites related to the green movement in the post elective sedition events: “Come into streets in the form of families.” Like Mousawi statements, family networks have been stressed.”

In 1388 S.H., the United states House of Representative (47 Republicans out of 409 passed a plan and sent for the Senate concerning this issue that the American president must post the issue of arresting 7 Baha’i heads alongside with pursuing the Iranian nuclear case which indicates the importance of the deviant cult and its key role in the activities of green reformists for the aliens.

Bahaism in Iran
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