کد خبر:13724
بهائیت در ایران

The founders of Bahaism cult, the starters of unveiling in Iran

      For the first time; in Rabiul Awwal 1264 A.H./1227 S.H., 1848 A.D., a woman… called Zarrin Taj Qazvini entitled Qorratul Ein who was one of the disciples of Ali Muhammad Bab (the founder of Babism and Bahaism deviant cults) unveiled Badasht plain, Shahroud. This action was astonished by Bab’s followers and caused a group […]

      For the first time; in Rabiul Awwal 1264 A.H./1227 S.H., 1848 A.D., a woman… called Zarrin Taj Qazvini entitled Qorratul Ein who was one of the disciples of Ali Muhammad Bab (the founder of Babism and Bahaism deviant cults) unveiled Badasht plain, Shahroud. This action was astonished by Bab’s followers and caused a group of them to leave Bab and another one to turn to terroristic activities such as the assassination of Mullah Saleh Baraghani ( Tahireh’s paternal uncle) encouraged by Tahireh.[1]

      According to valid documents, the deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism were created by Zionistic cores and directed by them, too. These two cults created the first terroristic groups such as the punishment committee and the like in the contemporary history of Iran and tried hard to change this community into an unsafe one in order to provide the facilities for Reza Khan government to gain power.[2]

      Due to his services, One of the heads of the Bahaism cult called Abbas Effendi entitled Abdul Baha received the sir medal by George V, the British king.

      After that, the members of the deviant cult of Bahaism preached unveiling in the Iranian Islamic community.

      Eksan Yar Shater, a Baha’i related to the Shah’s court who had served Zion cores against Iran and Islam says: “… Unveiling would have happened d in Iran… when poets write poetry blaming veiling and the movies have shown unveiled women as positive, the society is ready to accept it…”[۳]

      Reza Khan concluded that he must change the Iranian people’s culture by force and toughness. However, the uneducated Reza Khan wasn’t able to perform such plan. So, Muhammad Ali Foroughi who was a masonry became Reza khan’s chancellor. The first measure of his government was to send Reza Khan to Turkey. After visiting Turkey, Reza Khan was influenced by the Colonial reforms of that country induced by people such as Muhammad Ali Foroughi, Mahmoud Jam, Ali Asghar Hekmat.

      The above-mentioned program was planned by preaching and imposing the western cloths on Iranian people which targeted the beliefs of Muslim Iranian people.

      According to the existent documents, Ali Asghar Hekmat and Mahmoud Jam were two main factors of performing this plan. In this way direct agents of Bahaism and masonry attacked people’s beliefs and religious culture.

      Fortunately, this anti-Islamic and anti-national plan was confronted by people and clergymen. The first reaction switched in Shiraz city.

      The next day an opposing gathering was formed in Vakil mosque. headed by Seyyed Hesamuddin Fal Asiri which was ended in arresting him. When he was arrested, the clergymen in Mashhad city opposed and gathered in Goharshad Mosque and invited people to oppose this anti-religious action of Reza Khan’s government. This gathering was wildly repressed by Reza Khan agents. A lot of clergymen were arrested. Religious schools were destroyed. Even the famous clergyman, Ayatollah Agha Zadeh, the offspring of late Akhond Khorasani was martyred by injection by Dr. Ahmadi. Nevertheless, the rising of Goharshad mosque made Muslim people aware of anti-Islamic plan of Reza khan.



Source: The office for researches of Keyhan institute

[۱] Richard Foltz – Spirituality in the land of the noble.

[۲] Michael Jawaheri, Tehran, 1393, 1st edition

[۳] Yar Shater in an interview with Mandana Zandiyan, the book company, Los Angeles, 1st edition; Farvardin, 1395 S.H., p.35.

Bahaism in Iran
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