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The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

      Human being is a social creature needing social intercourses. According to history, social intercourse plays an important role in improving the relationships between human beings in community and this social specification has been recommended all heavenly religions. As Islam has considered the social intercourses as the source of purification of soul. So, it is […]

      Human being is a social creature needing social intercourses. According to history, social intercourse plays an important role in improving the relationships between human beings in community and this social specification has been recommended all heavenly religions. As Islam has considered the social intercourses as the source of purification of soul. So, it is necessary for right and the null to be distinguished by investigating instances exactly! Right is always dependent on itself while null is dependent on right. In Islam, doing favor, regulating justice, trying to create peace between each other, speaking nicely, forgiving and granting, cooperating in benevolence jobs, avoiding malignant actions and ordering one to do something that is allowed by religion and dissuading one from doing something that is forbidden by religion and etc.

      Bahaism is of the nulls of the current time. The instructions of the universal house of justice deceive people of all walks of life in variously. They are speaking about not meddling with policy, but they have social intercourses with parties to penetrate into various levels of community. All Baha’is are organizational agents.  Even their friendship and affectionate behaviors are ordered by the Bahaism organization in order to attract people to Bahaism cult. Baha’ism can’t be a religion at all. The heads of Bahaism organization emphasize on proselytizing and preaching dictated thoughts. Bahaism cult considers proselytizing as their main orders, but they introduce Bahaism as a cordial belief not needed to be exposed.

      In addition to proselytizing in the primary sources of Bahaism, the universal center of this organization is training the methods of preaching the Baha’i thoughts and recruiting to the sub-branches like all sectarian and organizational beliefs.

      The issue of recruiting is so important that they consider it necessary to be done using deception.

      The method of proselytizing has been presented to the members of organization:

      ۱) Social contact

      ۲) Intimate social intercourse

      ۳) Familiarity

      ۱) social contact: In this regard, the organization has presented practical strategies. For instance; in some messages, there are several instructions concerning the entrance of some Baha’is into communities or tribal societies in order to keep in touch with this the heads of those societies for profits because in such communities, the rest of people will obey the dignitary of the tribe with maximum possibility.

      Intimate social intercourse:

      It is recommended in organizational messages for intimate social intercourses to be planned. “Every person must set his/her social activities so that s/he has enough time for social intercourses.”[۱]

      The adults, parents, society and organization will support your initiatives (the Baha’i youth) using each possible way including creating close relationships with their families (the youth friends).”

      As usual, they violate their commandments and are merely thinking for recruiting and deceiving. For example, keeping in touch with parties in a non-Baha’i action:   

      “The Baha’is don’t meddle with policy and even according to the Baha’i teachings the extent of being a Baha’i or not is that if a person meddles with the political affairs, it will be adequate for him/her not to be Baha’i. While in the message of October 7, 2005, it is openly stated under the title of “the method of intimate social intercourse in proselytizing issue”:

      “The divine disciples must keep in touch with all parties with good measure.”[۲]


      After superficially intimate social intercourses, this is the turn for familiarity with people. This familiarity is being done to gain data about people’s attitudes, to investigate the existent tendencies in the person, the potentials and generally speaking the personal and social specifications of people in order to decrease the proselytizing expenses selecting the method of recruiting suitably as possible using exact recognition of organizational aim.

      Obtaining accredition:

      Regarding misleading teachings and the lack of ability to prove the legitimacy of Bahaism confronting people, it is recommended in the messages to be sure about trustful people along with being prone.

      Purposeful dialogues:

      After identifying addresses exactly, it is the time for purposeful dialogues and Baha’i teachings and beliefs must be induced on non- Baha’i person. However, it has been recommended for these beliefs to be done without mentioning the name of Bahaism explicitly.

       Finally, the last step is to invite to meetings and organizational programs of Bahaism openly such as studying, gathering, the prayer, educational classes for kids and teenagers and etc.

       The main center of the cult management recommends about inviting non-Baha’is in receptions in a different approach that they must be welcomed warmly. In the past, they were asked to omit the administrative part[3], but it is now said: “The universal house of justice has decided for moderators to balance this part of the reception to be suitable for the guests instead of omitting the administrative part of the program or asking for leaving the meeting….”[۴]

      As mentioned before, the null is trying to penetrate into communities’ mind using each possible way to make its orders believed. Even when they feel that the open presence is not suitable for them, they claim for peace and improvement:

 «و إذا قيل لهم لا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ ألا إنهم هم المفسدون ولكن لا يشعرون»

“When they are told, ‘Do not cause corruption on the earth,’ they say, ‘We are only reformers!’ Behold! They are themselves the agents of corruption, but they are not aware.”(The Cow chapter/11-12)

[۱] The message of the universal center of Bahaism, August 21, 2006.

[۲] the message of the universal center of Bahaism, October 7, 2015.

[۳] The message of the universal center of Baha’ism, May 17, 2009.

[۴] Ibid

Bahaism in Iran
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