کد خبر:13844
Bahaism shares all massacres in Palestine !!!!

Bahaism shares all massacres in Palestine !!!!

      During the current months when the usurp regime of Zionism massacres Palestinian people particularly the people of Gaza extensively and shabbily, the question is that: What is the role of the Colonial made cult and organization of Bahaism in these crimes? It is logical to be said that each person, organization, government or universal […]

      During the current months when the usurp regime of Zionism massacres Palestinian people particularly the people of Gaza extensively and shabbily, the question is that: What is the role of the Colonial made cult and organization of Bahaism in these crimes? It is logical to be said that each person, organization, government or universal coalition which share the establishment and foundation of a formation or government, they share all actions of that government. For example, those who share the foundation of ISIS – including the criminal America, the western countries, the Arabic countries, the usurp Israel and Turkey – all share the crimes of this Satanic cult.

      Since 1868 A.D. when Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) and his companion were transferred to Acre port, the bond between the Baha’is and the powerful Jewish centers continued and the center of Bahaism in Palestine land changed into an important means for the complicated Jewish operation and their partners in the British Colonial system. According to Fereydoun Adamiyat: “… the Baha’i element became one of the factors for the development of the British policy in Iran like the Jewish one.”

      This bond continued to the periods of time of the presidency of Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha) over the Baha’i cult. At this time, the Baha’is participated at the fulfillment of the strategy of foundation of the Jewish government in Palestine started Since 1870s and 1880s seriously. So that, in 1907 A.D., Abbas Effendi gave good news about the victory of the Jewish in Palestine land to Habib Moayyed who belonged to one of the Jewish descendents and said: “Here is Palestine. Before long, the Jewish tribe will come back to these lands. They will gain David Kingdom and Solomon magnificent. This is of the clear divine promises. Undoubtedly, the Jewish tribe will become cherished… .”

      Due to these services and attempts, when Abdul Baha died (1300 S.H.), the British agents in British embassies and consulates in the Middle East deplored.

      During World War. I, the Baha’is in Palestine cooperated with Britain against the Ottoman government. After the war, the Turkish Army commander was going to execute him and to destroy the Baha’i centers, it quitted under the pressure of the British government. General Allenby bestowed him the “Sir” medal and the “Knighthood” one and Abdul Baha prayed for him, too.

      The Colonial government of France orders to its consul in Bagdad in a period of time to issue French citizenship for Abdul Baha and his family and friends. Also the French government asked Abbas Effendi to send Baha’i proselytizers to its African Colonies in order to decrease the expenses of French dominance on these Colonies, because the Colonialism expenses increase when religious concepts like Jihad (the holy war) is existent.

      When England dominated on Palestine, many Baha’is resided in two regions of Acre and Haifa. So, the universal house of justice was established helped by England.

      Abdul Baha believed that Judaism must be gathered in the holy land and be cherished. In 1954 A.D., the Zionistic government recognized the branches of Baha’i assemblies in England, Canada and the occupied Palestine and from that time on it supported this deviant cult. As confirmed by SAVAK reports, the Baha’is of Iran have continually supported Israel and have been in service of it. “Israel identified the religion of the Baha’is as a formal one and the government of this regime tries to exploit the above-mentioned minorities in other countries of the world particularly in Iran politically, economically via a program called causing to love or be loved.”

      Also, SAVAK report says dated 1349/09,09:

      “It is heard that not long ago, the Iranian Baha’is have helped Israel by sending some million Tumans.”

      – In 1967A.D. when Israel attacked some Arabic countries, the Iranian Baha’is collected 120 million Tumans to send for Israel.

      – In 1973 A.D. when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, the Baha’i assemblies in Iran announced the war as indecent and wrote: “War is hateful in sight of God.” They even supported Israel in kids’ press.   

      After the victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the enemies of Iran confronted Iran via this deviant cult. Now, Bahaism is a political cult supported by America and the Zionistic regimes.

Bahaism in Iran
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