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The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization

The tempting recruiting of the Bahaism organization – Part 1

      Experts present various models and factors to evaluate the cults to be destructive. For example, Mrs. Margaret Singer mentions three factors for such groups concerning the evaluation of being destructive. Steven Hassan, one of the known experts and psychologists believes concerning the evaluation of such groups and cults: “The model of evaluating of a […]

      Experts present various models and factors to evaluate the cults to be destructive. For example, Mrs. Margaret Singer mentions three factors for such groups concerning the evaluation of being destructive. Steven Hassan, one of the known experts and psychologists believes concerning the evaluation of such groups and cults: “The model of evaluating of a group or organization to be destructive is three main criteria in this regard: The self-appointed head, creating an intellectual software and installing it into the members’ minds and deceptive membership. Examining these three domains, you will be able to recognize in a short period of time whether a special group is a destructive cult or not. Consequently, one of the factors indicating an organization and group to be destructive is the deceptive recruiting.

      The difference between cults and the legitimate group is that the cults deceive people in recruiting, but an organization doesn’t make a show in recruiting and explains about the reality of recruiting and the extent of commitments and action expected the members to do. A person who becomes the member a cult often participates in the sectarian activity; then he/she is persuaded to stay in the cult for a while, but he she will figure out that he/she has been in the cult for all of his/her lifetime.


      The deceptive recruiting by the cults:

      The proselytizing and recruiting in the cults possess a special position. To continue existence, the cults need to proselytize for recruiting. This order and emphasis are repeatedly seen in Bahaism organization and in the messages of the universal house of justice issued from the occupied Palestine. For instance, in the message of the universal house of justice dated June 26, 2009 A.D. proselytizing has been extremely emphasized to such an extent that the members have been reminded. If you postpone proselytizing, the existence blood vessel of the organization will be cut. Proselytizing must be done in any possible way, but via policy. If the open proselytizing were impossible, recruit in a hidden way… .

      To be the member of the organization, a person spends several stages such as relationship, introduction, persuasion, activation, control and recognition formally.

      The onset of recruiting may be different, but one thing is fixed that is deceit techniques. These deceptions start from hiding what makes the nature the group to hiding the final purpose of membership and there is no limit for using deception. Some ex-members say they haven’t sensed the first crucial step towards joining the cults.

       Cults use various forms to communicate with a person. This communication can be in the form of signing up a form supporting the group, inviting to a study group or participating at an educational meeting by a master of university who is the member of a cult or a friend or relative. On the other hand, this stage can be introduced as hooking by the cult. Human beings are social creatures and most of us are interested in speaking with a sociable person who is going to help us.

      Mrs. Mehri Karami, one of the victims of the Bahaism organization says about the process of recruiting by a Baha’i: “Recruiting me goes back to the university years. There was a classmate called Sami’a Ashenaee who was really good and positive. We didn’t think she was a Baha’i. We thought she was from a religious and pious family. In fact, she was behaving with respect and didn’t look at our eyes directly. Other girls in the class and I were attracted by her.

      Behzad Jahangiri, the other ex-Baha’i says about the proselytizing policy of the Baha’is in not introducing themselves as Baha’is: “Politics is in the top of their affairs; for instance, their superficial behaviors with others in the community is so that a person becomes fond of them and if a person asks them they are good people, they will say they are Baha’is and they are behaving so due to being Baha’is. The Baha’is are behaving as if they are free from error, but these so-called innocent people are worse than Satan… .

Behzad Jahangiri

Fadhlullah Sobhi, the ex-member of Baha’ism says about this trick of Bahaism: “These helpless people are going to be the model for people of the world having their behaviors. More helpless ones are those who are deceived by the Baha’is.”


Fadhlullah Sobhi


      Steven Hassan says about the justification of the cults in deceiving people and not introducing their real nature in recruiting process: “The basic specification of most recruiting of cults is deception. As told before, the destructive groups are unkind in using deception in recruiting. They are doing so because they believe people are unaware to recognize what is good for them. Thus, they deem it their duty to make decision for members.”

Steven Hassan

Adib Masoudi, the ex-proselytizer of Bahaism says: ” I knew that they are a deviant cult, but I was poor and it caused me to turn to Bahaism like clergymen such as Seyyed Abbas Alavi, Mullah Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, Asadulla Fadhel Mazandarani and Sadr Al-Sodour Isfahani. None of them believed in Bahaism. They were deceived due to helplessness, poverty and misery.


Adib Masoudi


      All promises by the cult are to deceive people: “They say to people if you become like us, we will send you to Austria to get married and to live everywhere you like after 2 years….”, said Jahangiri.

      One of the other tricks of the Bahaism organization is using sophistry to make doubt in unaware people’s mind. Sobli says in this regard: “The only problem for proselytizers is the issue of finality. They must justify forcefully that the holy prophet is not the final prophet. The other problem is asking for miracles to by distinguish right and wrong for people. The proselytizer must justify that these affairs are impossible….

Bahaism in Iran
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