کد خبر:13934
مقایسه رفتار محمود عباس بهایی

Comparing Mahmoud Abbas’s behavior

      Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazan) Mirza Rezaee, is of the descendants of Hussein Ali Baha and is from Iran who is influencing in self-governing organization of Palestine!       He didn’t participate at the ceremony of funeral of Palestine’s great warlord the dear martyr Ismaeel Haniyyeh, but he sent a representative. However, he took part in […]

      Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazan) Mirza Rezaee, is of the descendants of Hussein Ali Baha and is from Iran who is influencing in self-governing organization of Palestine!

      He didn’t participate at the ceremony of funeral of Palestine’s great warlord the dear martyr Ismaeel Haniyyeh, but he sent a representative. However, he took part in funeral ceremony of Shimon Peres the ex-president of Israel in Jerusalem and cried.

      Mahmoud Abbas – Abu Mazan – the illegal and imposed leader of Fath movement is an Iranian Baha’i person and of the descendants of Abbas Effendi.

      Several decades ago, his family had moved to Haifa during Naseruddin Shah’s period of time following Babi sedition failure.

      The officials of the Zionistic regime look upon Mahmoud Abbas as friend because according to the Excellency Imam Khomeini (P.H.) Baha’ism is a political Zionistic party based documents. Zeif Shef, a retired general of the Zionistic regime army and one of the Israeli Strategists says about Mahmoud Abbas: “Abu Maren is a loyal major general whose fault is not to have any legion!”

      Zeif Shef mentions one of the main problems of the Zionistic regime in executing peace plans in his interpretations. Because Israel doesn’t confront any resistance and oppositions by Fath group headed by I Mahmoud Abbas for imposing its humiliating plans to Palestinian people. Why does the Zionistic regime postpone peace negotiations don’t have any final and desirable conclusions for the Zionistic regime in all peace negotiation?

      The reason must be searching in this reality that Fath group is not against Israel and compromising with Abu Mazan means compromising with one of its relatives and it is obvious that the Palestinian people don’t agree.

      To be interested in key symbol between the Baha’is and Anousi hidden Judaism is worthy to be thought!


Bahaism in Iran
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