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The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 2

      The second component of control in cults is thought control. The important note is that how can the cult make the member observe and analyze the world as the cult leader wants by the stoppage of thought and altering mind data of the members. Steven Hassan believes that mind control stops each kind of […]

      The second component of control in cults is thought control. The important note is that how can the cult make the member observe and analyze the world as the cult leader wants by the stoppage of thought and altering mind data of the members. Steven Hassan believes that mind control stops each kind of sense which isn’t compatible with the intellectual program of the cult. Thought control can force the cult member to work like a slave. Anyway, when thought is under control, sensations and behaviors are under control, too. This action in cults is executed severely and extensively in order for head’s aims and the organization to be achieved.


   ۱-۲: The method of installing the intellectual program of the cult and making invalid:

      One of the indexes which is considered in recognition of the newly -born Cults is planning the intellectual program of the cult and installing it on the members’ minds.

      The cults are claiming for new intellectual program through which they are able to answer to all questions and problems. They introduce the head of the program as the mere reality and install it on the members’ minds.

      Steven Hassan says: “When the sectarian intellectual program is installed rightly, the head is being observed completely without any default and fault. In this case, if a problem is happened, it will be assumed as the person’s fault. The person is learned to consider him/herself as guilty and to work harder.


      ۲-۲: The method of planning a new language:

      Each cult has a special language through which the members are able to communicate with each other. However, why do the cults plan their special language and literature?

      Steven Hassan says in this regard: “As a destructive cult possesses a conversation language which is exclusive and special. It causes them to be able to manage the method of the person’s thinking in each position. The programs themselves each position dedicate the collection of assumptions. If the members want to think differently and to have various interpretation, it will be called as obeying Satan’s desire

      The stereotyped of the cult and the language loaded on the person’s mind will create a fender among the members and those who are out. The language helps the member have the sense of being special and be separated from the public because the members of the cults figure out the programs.”


      ۲-۳: white-black look technique:

      The cults are continually creating a border between the people who are out and themselves. They call the side as of the line which they exist white and call the other side as black.

      The cults start classifying everything as white and black and say “we and they”. Every good thing is in head’s group and every bad thing is out.


      ۲-۴: Repressing criticisms technique:

      Most of the time, it is observed that the cults behave with the members severely and confront with them extremely. why is it so?

     According to Steven Hassan, one the other important aspects of thought control is training members to create barrier against each data which is critical. So, the defensive mechanism of people is spliced; thus, the members are defending their new sectarian identity against their previous ones.

      The first defensive lines are as follows:

      – Rejection; what they say will never happen at all. t

      – Justification; This phenomenon has been surely happened due to a logical reason.

      – Judgment; It happened cos it must be happened

       Raw hide; I like it to be right; thus the reality may be so.

      The members are trained and educated in the sectarian environment; so that they are neutral against criticisms. Out of the cult the members display severe and bigoted behavior against each kind of question or criticism.


      ۲٫۵: Intellectual stoppage technique:

      Steven Hassan says in this regard: “Maybe, the most influential method for controlling the members of a cult’s thoughts is the intellectual stoppage program which is used extensively. They believe this technique helps the members be grown and improved and influential. Meditation, singing loudly or whispering it, long controls, speaking with him/herself loudly are of these techniques.

      By executing intellectual stoppage techniques, the members think they are improving, but the reality is that they are making themselves be accustomed to these techniques and it will be very hard for them to quit after leaving the cult. It is the most explicit method to figure out the person’s ability to test the reality. Indeed, why do the cults behave with their members so?


Bahaism in Iran
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