کد خبر:13999
Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

      The Baha’i heads must answer the following questions which are resulted in contradictions in behaviors and viewpoints of the Baha’i agents: Hasn’t the universal house justice deviated the Baha’ism creed by omitting the guardian of the faith as the greatest deviation in Bahaism and hasn’t deprived the Baha’i community of the inherited principle intended […]

      The Baha’i heads must answer the following questions which are resulted in contradictions in behaviors and viewpoints of the Baha’i agents:

  1. Hasn’t the universal house justice deviated the Baha’ism creed by omitting the guardian of the faith as the greatest deviation in Bahaism and hasn’t deprived the Baha’i community of the inherited principle intended by Shogi Effendi?
  2. Does the institute of the guardian of the faith have external existence and do not the lack of its existence and presence shake the basis of the Baha’i community?
  3. How have the various texts and orders indicating the necessity of the presence and existence of the guardian of the faith been ignored among the Baha’i community?
  4. How has the universal house of justice organization allowed itself to throw the most important administrative document and charter of the Baha’is?
  5. Is Baha’ism creed valuable and legitimate without the existence and presence of the guardian of the faith according to the Baha’i founders’ viewpoints?
  6. Who is the guardian of the faith (the first and the greatest pillar of Bahaism organization) now?
  7. Is the second pillar of the Bahaism the universal house of justice organization is valuable and legitimate without the first and the greatest pillar / the guardian of God’s faith)?
  8. Who adjust the programs of the universal house of justice with Bahaism teachings and how?
  9. Which source will investigate the universal house of justice violations?
  10. Who is the senior member and the permanent chairman of the universal house justice now?
  11. Who is the legitimate source for receiving and distributing money spent by the Baha’is to the organization?
  12. Which source makes the Baha’i leaders’ texts and writings clear?
  13. How is the six-year period of time after shogi’s death justified when the Baha’i community didn’t have the guardian of the faith and the universal house of justice?
  14. Who ordered Mrs. Rouhieh Maxwell to dissolve the Baha’i international board after Shoqi’s death. The board which was founded by Shogi Effendi and replaced another group?
  15. Who made Mason Reimi, the member the Baha’i international board who had appointed as the chairman of the board by Shoghi Effendi be removed and boycotted out of the Baha’i community?
  16. Can the Baha’i community escape from this contradiction and paradox that the organization of the universal house of justice document the philosophy and necessity of its existence to the speech of Hussein Ali Nouri – Bahaullah – and Abbas Effendi in one side while it ignores their emphatic orders regarding the necessity for the presence and continuity of the guardian of the faith at the top of the Baha’i community?

      At the present time, the universal house of justice is directing the Baha’i community alone without paying attention to the wishes of Mirza Hussein Ali’s family. According to Abdul Baha’s remarks, no validity is considered for the universal house justice when there is nobody from Hussein Ali Nouri’s family to be at the head position of Baha’ism. Abbas Effendi has clarified and emphasized in the tablet and wills that “O’ divine disciples, appoint the guardian of the faith when the previous one is alive in order for differences not to be happened.”

      There is a very important note that according to the prediction by the Baha’i leaders, the chain of the guardianship of the faith in the Baha’i community will be continued 24 people.

      Interpreting John revelations, Abbas Effendi compares the Baha’ism creed with the heavenly religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam claiming for the superiority of Bahaism creed over the mentioned religions: “… the chosen executors were 12 in each period of time. During the Excellency Jacob, they were 12 people and during Moses there were 12 heads of grand sons. During Jesus, there were 12 disciples and during the holy prophet Muhammad (P.H.) there 12 Imams. However, in this great presence, there are 24 people; that is double because the magnificent of this emergence necessitates.

      Shogi Effendi hasn’t paid attention to his ancestors’ orders and hasn’t elected the guardian after himself based on the view of the universal house of justice attendants. In this way, he has deprived the Baha’i community of the mediator of grace appointed for them by him.

      The lack of appointing the guardian of the faith after Shogi Effendi is violating the administrative charter, orders and texts of the Baha’i brokers. It is a clear proof for the Baha’ism creed to be confused. Shagi’s ignorance is neglecting of electing the senior member and the permanent presidency of the universal house of justice organization and is also ignoring towards electing the general source of the Bahaism community and is neglecting for appointing the first pillar and the greatest one of the Baha’is management organization, too. It will be ignoring of appointing an authority who prevent the false decisions made by the universal house of justice.

Bahaism in Iran
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