کد خبر:14048
زوال فرهنگ؛ پروژه سازمان‌یافته بهائی

The culture decline; the organized project of Baha’ism

      Influence means affecting and according to political governmental view it can be defined as influencing and changing decision making and being effective on national interests; so that at the end, the element aimed by the influencer moves in the direction of their policy. Cultural influence is one the important aspects in which the influencers […]

      Influence means affecting and according to political governmental view it can be defined as influencing and changing decision making and being effective on national interests; so that at the end, the element aimed by the influencer moves in the direction of their policy. Cultural influence is one the important aspects in which the influencers impact on theological and identity rudiments and create disorder to such an extent to be able to make decision making centers be along with themselves. Regarding the importance of this kind of influence, the supreme leader of Iran has clarified that: The most complicated kind of influence is cultural one. It is a collection of planned measures created by the enemies of the Islamic Revolution to change the cultural identity, change wills and beliefs and change behavioral values and patterns.”[۱]

      Bahaism cult is one the cults as influential agent to influence in cultural fields. It has set several-year plans to achieve this aim. Although Baha’is try to pretend to be religious, but the instructions issued by their main center are indicating different reality.

      The documents. of the texts of the Baha’i heads show that they are going to form a religious community and to gain materialistic and spiritual government in the world. It is a long-termed plan.

      One of the Bahaism tricks to achieve its goals is pretending to be oppressed. That is, the Baha’is try to play the role of victim. Of course, it is not a new method. Because history reveals that some tribes and governments have used this method to confront and campaign. This technique decreases the heavy expenses of confrontation and increase the quotient of reassurance.

      Bahaism which has been mixed with Zionism like loops of chain confessed by its heads has learned this method very well. Consequently, it introduces itself as a harmless believer although it possesses definite aim in the field of cultural and political dominance. It believes that the governments which prevent its organizational activities are tyrants and violators of human rights.

      For example, they claim in Iran that they have cancelled their organization and activities after the revolution while they mention this note in one of their newest messages that the Islamic Republic tries for years to prove the international associations which are blindly supporting Bahaism that the main aim of Bahaism is its aggressive proselytizing which is strongly followed by it although it has apparently dissolved its clear administrative organization.

The culture decline; the organized project of Baha’ism


      Proselytizing is the basis of Bahaism and the most important duty of each Baha’i person. In the new version of Baha’ism organization domain extensively to create changes culturally based on Bahaism policies. Of course, this organization has tried hard to plan and execute accurate programs for kids and teenagers.

      “The training institute has no parallel as an instrument for the systematic exposure of limitless numbers of souls to the life-giving waters of the Revelation and the inexhaustible meaning of the Word of God. But the friends’ efforts to increase their understanding of the Faith and its teachings are of course not limited to participation in the institute process. Indeed, one strong indicator of an institute’s effectiveness is the thirst it cultivates within those who engage with its materials to continue to study the Cause of Baha’u’llah– individually, but also collectively, whether in formal spaces created by the institutions or in more informal settings.”[2]

      “Your responsibilities extend even farther to the promotion of the education of children and junior youth, to the uplifment of the young and to the strengthening of a pattern of family life that will produce generation after generation of consecrated souls, faithful followers of Bahaultah… .”[۳]

      Apparently, they are speaking about peace and equality and attracting kids to their plans while all of these actions are a part of their main plan to dominate on the country to omit each belief except Bahaism and to surrender the governments.

      Abbas Effendi, the second head of Bahaism cult has ordered the Baha’is not to send their offspring to the schools of others: “The disciples’ kids are not allowed to go to others’ schools.”[۴] while he has said place in another place: “… the education must be the same all in all schools of the world.”[۵]

      The movement towards this aim is being followed by the programs of “Rouhi plan”, social dialogue, economic- social development or society making. These three aims must be done in a parallel manner as mentioned by the messages of the center of the cult.

      “As they call on one another in their homes and pay visits to families, friends and acquaintances they enter into purposeful discussion on themes of spiritual import, deepen their knowledge of the Faith, share Baha’u’llah’s message, and welcome increasing numbers to join them in a mighty spiritual enterprise. Aware of the aspirations of the children of the world and their need for spiritual education, they extend their efforts widely to involve ever-growing contingents of participants in classes that become centers of attraction for the young and strengthen the roots of the Faith in society. They assist junior youth to navigate through a crucial stage of their lives and to become empowered to direct their energies toward the advancement of civilization. And with the advantage of a greater abundance of human resources, an increasing number of them are able to express their faith through a rising tide of endeavors that address the needs of humanity in both their spiritual and material dimensions… .”[۶]

      This message is a brief approach of Bahaism in holding various classes for the kids and even other trainings have been specified. These trainings both grow the bases of Bahaism in families and create relationships with them to preach Bahaism.

      For this reason, this organization in Iran has taken on the responsibility of extensive proselytizing the colonial teachings through influence on educational environments in various levels particularly nursery schools across the country:

” The young standard-bearers of the community of the artistic Greatest Name in every land serve ham humanity in memory of those courageous souls and make sacrificial efforts for the betterment of the world and the progress of society, endeavoring to acquire spiritual characteristics and engaging in the education of children and junior youth. In Iran too, despite countless hardships, the apple of our eyes are, with pure hearts free from resentment or enmity, valiantly arising in the discharge of their spiritual obligations, acquiring knowledge and the sciences and arts, earning a livelihood, establishing families, laying the foundations of future society upon the strong pillars of faith, and placing service to humanity at the center of their lives. “[7] This message from Israel confesses the activity of Bahaism organization in Iran while the organizational measures have been announced as forbidden by the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

[۱] The statements of the Iranian supreme leader dated 1394/09/04.

[۲] The message of the main center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, Dec. 30, 2021.

[۳] The message of the main center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, Jan. 3, 2022.

[۴] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, vol.5, p.170.

[۵] Abbas Effendi, the sermons, vol.2, p.148.

[۶] The message of the main center of the cult, Redhvan 2008.

[۷] The message of the main center of the cult, Aban. 2, 1398 S.H.

Bahaism in Iran
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