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Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic policies of the enemies who were trying to destroy the religion of Islam even during Pahlavi era. The treacherous supporting Bahaism by the deposed king […]

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic policies of the enemies who were trying to destroy the religion of Islam even during Pahlavi era. The treacherous supporting Bahaism by the deposed king of Pahlavi and employing the Baha’i elements in the highest positions of government provided the backgrounds for the growth and development of this ominous cult.

      Recognizing the nature of Bahaism not only clarifies this deviant cult to be null, but also reveals the intrinsic enmity of the western world more than before.

      In the book “the analysis and criticism of Bahaism”, Ali Reza Rouzbahani investigates Baha’ism issue and its position in the hostile policy of the Zionistic regime.

      Some parts of the book are as follows:

      The bond between Bahaism and Colonialism

      The intimate relationships and cooperation between the Zionists and the leadership system of Bahaism is as old as the lifetime of this cult and the roots of relationships and intimacy between these two cancer glands go back the years before the establishment of the Zionistic government. Since the founders of t the Zionistic regime of Israel tried to usurp the Palestinian lands, there is a good relationship between Bahaism and Israel.

      Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, the first president of Israel has had a meeting with Abdul Baha and expressed satisfaction when there was a long way to establish the government of Israel.

      When Arabs particularly the Muslin people of Palestine were busy campaigning against Zionism and England, the Baha’is had friendly relationships with two aggressive governments because they knew well that if the Muslim people of Palestine gain power, they confront the Baha’is due to bringing a new religion and claiming for prophethood and divinity by their leaders. As none of Islamic communities tolerate them and accept them formally.

      The Baha’is considered their destiny with the Israeli one and in Baha’i various books and periodicals, the Baha’i leaders have announced this fact over and over. Abdel Baha has openly stated this issue repeatedly. Years before the establishment of Israel, he considered the fate of Zionism and Bahaism as the same:

      “Here is Palestine. The holy lands. The Jewish tribe will return to these lands soon. They will gain David Kingdom and Solomon magnificence. This is of the clear divine promises undoubtedly. The Jewish tribe will be redeemed. It will be entered under the faith shadow. All these bare lands will be habitable. The Jewish people will gather together and the Highest position will be built with the best manner. Divine prophets prayers and incantations won’t be wasted and all divine promises will be totally fulfilled … .”

      The leadership system of Bahaism had to regulate the Islamic appearances in Palestine land and avoid each kind of behavior which caused sensitivity of Muslims. So, Abdul Baha was continually participating at Friday and group prayers. Most importantly, although this cult was extremely proselytizer, it didn’t allow its followers and disciples to proselytize in Palestine.

      The Baha’is trips to Israel have flourished the tourism industry of Israel due to the existence of central organization and the tombs of Bahaism leaders in this country.

      One of the Baha’is called Fereydoun Ramesh Far who has travelled to Israel has said about the manner behavior of Israelis with the Baha’is: “Israel government is so optimistic with the Baha’is to such an extent that the Baha’is aren’t being inspected.

      Leroy Ivas, the general secretary of the Baha’i international council mentions the meeting between shoghi Effendi and the president of Israel gloriously and writes in a letter dated May. 3, 1954 A.D.

      “Monday, Apr. 26, 1954 A.D. is a historical day for the Baha’i world because for the first time in the faith history, the president of an independent government formally visited the position of martyr evangelist of the Baha’i creed and the position of the center of covenant of the Excellency Bahaullah and also visited the guardian of the Baha’i faith (Shoghi Effendi)”.

      Like Mirza Hussein Ali, Shogi Effendi tried hard to be the devotee of England and to be loyal with Zionism. On 1st of Jan. 1952 A.D., the international Baha’i board of Haifa wrote a letter for the Baha’i national spiritual assembly and made them aware of shogi Effendi’s relationship with Israel government:

      “The relationship between Israel government and the Excellency the guardian of the faith and the Baha’i international board is friendly and intimate and in fact it is very happy for the faith to be recognized in the holy land.”

       Mrs. Rouhiyeh Maxwell has said: “I prefer for the youngest religions (Bahaism) to be grown from the newest countries (Israel) and it should be said that our future (Bahaism and Israel) is bond with the loops of chain.”

      The reasons for supporting Bahaism by Israel”

  1. Economic: Baha’is trips to Israel have flourished tourism industry of this country due to the existence of the central organization of Bahaism and the tombs of the founders and leaders of Bahaism.
  2. proselytizing: The proselytizing value of Bahaism organization for Israel is more than the economic one because turning a Muslim person to Bahaism is similar to changing an enemy into a loyal soldier for Israel.
  3. intelligent service:

      To expand its influence in the Islamic countries, Israel is using Baha’i elements dispersed in these countries particularly in the Middle East as spies. Many critics including the Excellency Imam Khomeini (P.H.) don’t consider Baha’is as Baha’is, but they consider them as loyal and bigoted Jewish people who have helped Israel to achieve the universal Zionism aims.

Bahaism in Iran
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