کد خبر:14079
Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala[1], Mishna[2] and Halakha[3] and has influenced on Judaism gradually included non-theist ideas and beliefs in itself. After the death and burial of semi-alive Judaism in the swamp of polytheism and idolatry idolater, […]

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala[1], Mishna[2] and Halakha[3] and has influenced on Judaism gradually included non-theist ideas and beliefs in itself. After the death and burial of semi-alive Judaism in the swamp of polytheism and idolatry idolater, it is now more than a century that a stinky creature called Judaism having Zionism spirit has come out of it having these selfish and overbearing beliefs against humanity.

This aspect of Zionism which is being called as “the political Zionism” posed in an operational program in the 19th century in Theodor Herzel’s[4] works based On ” which a problem called Judaism problem is existent in the world resulted in dispersing them across the world whose mere solution is returning this tribe to their holy land and establishing their special government.”[۵]

      Violence, assassination, extensive massacre, usurp and using force are of Zionism means to establish Israel government. At that periods of time, Zionism leaders created the Judaism agency which was apparently in charge of providing statistics and discipline for transferring the Jewish people to Palestine, but in fact it was a terroristic organization which achieved most of its ominous aims. The Judaism agency and other Jewish extremists established terroristic groups to defend the aggressive and immigrant town settlers and also to rush determined arms!!”[6]

       To know the role of terrorism in establishing the Zionistic regime and to advance its aims, it is necessary for us to be familiar with some terroristic and pressure groups.

      One of the famous Zionistic groups Haganah. This terroristic organization was formed late 19th century in the eastern Europe whose mere aim was attacking Palestine and exiting Palestinian people out of their homes and mother land.

      One of the Haganah officers and Palmach[7] leaders writes in his book: “Since 1880 A.D. when Palestine was still under the control of the Ottomans and its population wasn’t high, the formation of hidden units against robbery, usurp, massacre and assassination had been started. In this way; since the onset of these periods of time, various cores for various military organizations which were Jewish hidden ones were created.”[۸]

      This terroristic group which was in fact the formal army of the Jewish agency strengthened the existence of Haganah and recognized it formally on Dec. 1919 A.D. by recruiting several immigrant Zionists resided in Palestine.[9]

      The terroristic organization of Haganah committed crimes such as assassination and violent massacres during its services to Zionism ordered by the agency; for example, the assassination of Haysem Arlo Surov, the chairman of intelligent service department of the Jewish agency, the explosion of Patria and Istqruma ships, the explosion of gas pipe of Iraq nearby Haifa, the massacre of Arab villagers.[10]

      Another terroristic group which had extensive activities for establishing Zionistic government was Hashomer or “guards group”.

      Hashomer groups penetrated into most Palestinian organizations as conspiratorial and controlling cores and assassinated powerful and influential people even in small gatherings.

      Another group which played an important role in assassinating Palestinian scientists and dignitaries was Palmach. It was the military branch of Haganah. Its terroristic measures are as follows: Attacking Sa’sa’ village and exploiting 20 houses and killing tens of women and kids, attacking Balad al-Sheikh village and killing tens of Arabs, attacking Ghalvina village and etc.[11]

      Another strong group whose investigation is really important is the Zionistic resistance movement created by uniting Haganah, Irgun and Stern on November 1945 A.D.[12]

      Now, the usurp regime of Zionism has been created in the center of the most important strategic regions in the world and sucking humanity blood. Zionism has achieved its first aim, but it isn’t satisfied. Zionism is going to achieve its great aim; that is, establishing the universal government and kingdom. It exploits each weapon and means to achieve its aim.

      A regime which massacres thousands of people to establish a small country and runs tens of wars. How can it speak about peace and friendship for achieving greater aim?

      A regime which hears the sounds of breaking its bones after Al-Aqsa storm operation increases its mischiefs more than before and commits each kind of crime in Gaza and in the West Bank!!!

      Killing nearly 40 thousand oppressed Palestinian kids, women and men in Gaza during ten months displays its evil nature and conscience.

      In such conditions, isn’t it merited to do a measure to vanish this germ of corruption? Is it not time yet for vanishing the culture which is proud on massacring kids and the old?




[۱] Gnostic and secret-like interpretation of the Jewish holy books

[۲] A book having the legitimate rules of Judaism written by Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi

[۳] The Collection of Jewish rules and legislation which has been stated and interpreted according to each period

[۴] ۱۸۶۰-۱۹۰۴ A.D.

[۵] Herzel Theodor, the Judaism government, the primary introduction.

[۶] Mazi, Muhammad, policy and religion in Israel, translated by Seyyed Gholam Reza Tahami, p.54.

[۷] Another terroristic group

[۸] Allon, Yigal, the establishment of the army of Israel, part interpretations

[۹] Lenni Brenner, the iron Fist, Hussein Abu Torabiyan, p.77

[۱۰] Israel, from terroristic groups to the governmental terrorism, Andisheh Sazan-e-no institute, p. 24.

[۱۱] Ibid, p.15

[۱۲] bid, p.5.

Bahaism in Iran
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