کد خبر:14149

The Baha’i companies, the economic corridors of the universal house of justice – Part 1

      Introducing the coextensive companies with the modern universal war.       Regarding the importance of the economic bases of a country and the necessity for preventing the influence of hostile profiteers, investigating the topic of economy and a glance at motives of the economic influence particularly along with introducing related institutes and companies are important […]

      Introducing the coextensive companies with the modern universal war.

      Regarding the importance of the economic bases of a country and the necessity for preventing the influence of hostile profiteers, investigating the topic of economy and a glance at motives of the economic influence particularly along with introducing related institutes and companies are important problems and are necessary to be checked by the people in charge.

      Generally speaking, establishing and improving a movement are based on ideology and its economic power. The example of such organization is the deviant cult of Bahaism. Bahaism has tried to present remarkable statistics making regarding the number of Baha’i resided regions spending lots of money and sending organizational forces to various parts of the world. Such investments have been founded since years helped by the heads of the organization residing in Haifa.

      This article is going to introduce the companies which are in service of Bahaism and revealing the activities of these organizational elements to make community aware of these freebooters of belief and security. It is worthy to be mentioned that Bahaism is an organizational establishment before being a theological belief or so-called ideological one. Destroying Muslims’ beliefs particularly Shia’s, considering Shia beliefs as groundless fears and achieving the new universal discipline are the most basic aims of Bahaism.

      An overview of the economic conditions of Bahaism before the Islamic Revolution:

      Before Pahlavi government in Iran, the Bahaism organization was busy with the interior conflicts, consolidating the positions of the heads and planning for influence on the community. Gaining power by Muhammad Reza Pahlavi was a turning point for Bahaism and was the manifestation of the placement of the elements of the cult as the heads in country affairs. So, it can be said that the second Pahlavi periods of time were the golden years for Bahaism organization.

      In these days, the Baha’is like Abdul Karim Ayadi, Asadullah Saniee, Habib Sabet Pasal, Hoveyda, Parviz Sabati, Mansour Rowhani, Abbas Aram provided strategic positions for themselves in the court and regime. With the expansion of Bahaism influence on the governmental agencies of Iran, serious attempts were done to expand Bahaism following the influence of Israel on various parts of the world announced in 5-year and 10-year programs of shogi Effendi.

      Executing these extensive and universal plans needed financial investments. Consequently, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities were advised by the organization heads. In this regard, the improvement and consolidation of the bases of economic power were paid attention by Bahaism to stand against the sensitivities of the Shia community of Iran and to put pressure on the country. For this reason, each Baha who was hired in important post during Pahlavi regime was trying to make the organization rich.

      After a while, the heads of the organization invited all members to try hard and more to endow a part of their financial resources to the organization.

      At first, the properties of the Baha’is being registered and documented by the name of trusted people like Shogi Effendi, Hojabr Yazdani and Sabet Pasal because since Hussein Ali Nouri till Pahlavi periods of time, the Baha’ism hasn’t been recognized formally as minority. Then, they decided to establish a company called joint stock company of trustees and all properties of Baha’is were documented by the name of this company which was in fact a semi-hidden organization.

      In addition to the activities of trustees company, financial sedition in com the court caused the Baha’i profiteers to enter into smuggling, too. Bahaism used the wealth gained by usurping the capital of Muslim nation to meet Israel budgets and to advance usurping Palestine.



                                                                     It is Continued

Bahaism in Iran
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