کد خبر:14206
Hassan Ershad

A memoir about my dialogue (Hassan Ershad) with Rouh Allah Taeffi (Fariba Kamal Abadi’s husband)

      I liked to narrate you a memoir of a breakfast meeting with Fariba Kamal Abadi in order for Muslim friends not to repeat my awful experience because other Baha’is won’t open the door of their houses for you (cos they don’t debate and investigate the truth independently).   Author: Hassan Ershad Mehr 22. 1400. […]

      I liked to narrate you a memoir of a breakfast meeting with Fariba Kamal Abadi in order for Muslim friends not to repeat my awful experience because other Baha’is won’t open the door of their houses for you (cos they don’t debate and investigate the truth independently).


Author: Hassan Ershad

Mehr 22. 1400.


       Several years ago when Nouri Zad kissed one of Baha’i criminal’s kid’s foot, a great number of articles were published indicating that this action is against Shias and also is proselytizing Bahaism. I also wrote the following article and sent to that site to be published:


      In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

      Dear Nouri Zad

      The reminiscent breakfast of Naseruddin with Rouh Allah Taefi: (Fariba Kamal Abadi’s husband)

      I liked to narrate you a memoir of a breakfast meeting with Fariba Kamal Abadi in order for Muslim friends not to repeat my awful experience because other Baha’is won’t open the door of their houses for you (cos they don’t debate and investigate the truth independently.)

      Exactly two years ago, I was busy studying in my shop nearby Englab street (of course the publishing house and CD selling) where a 23-year-old young person suddenly entered into the shop in an amazed manner and said: “Sir, help me. I lost my wife”.

      I asked her health and the continued: Can you do something for my veiled wife whom I have recently understood that she had participated at Iqan classes of a man called Rouhullah Taefi for more than five years (of course, I later on figured out he is Fariba Kamal Abadi’s husband)?

      I said I would do as much as it is possible. Of course he insisted on calling the emergency police, but he was going to consult with an aware person before calling.

      I said to him to arrange a meeting with her wife for me to speak.

         She entered into my shop insisted by her husband. It was worthy to see. When she entered, she started speaking with me having irate looks indicating that she had agreed to come insisted by her husband otherwise she wasn’t satisfied with this meeting.

       Of course, she expected me to speak about the Baha’is who are spies and Israelis, but contrary to his expectation there were a handwritten copy of the interpretation of Yousof chapter claimed by the Babis for being read on the night of 5th of Jamadiul Owla, 1260 A.H. on Mullah Hussein Boshrouyee and the interpretation of Kowthar chapter which was granted to seyyed Yahya Darabi and the book Ighan written by the Excellency Bahaullah which had been criticized by me.

       She was surprised by this fact that there is a Shia who has read the Ighan and analyzed it.

      Dear Nouri Zad,

      After four sessions criticizing the Ighan and debates with this covered lady, she asked me something that I was astonished: If it is my possible, hold a meeting with my master but don’t say to him that you have spoken to me because if he becomes aware of our meeting, he will dismiss me out of his class.

      Yes, Mr. Nouri Zad,

      This honorable lady gave Mr. Rohullah Taefi’s telephone number to me and I called him. I asked to see him after introducing myself as a researcher who has studied Babi creed.

      It was the solar month of Aban, 1390 S.H., at 8 A.M. I came out of Sadeqieh subway gate when it was raining. I walked a bit to his house. When I rang the doorbell, he welcomed me warmly and I entered into his house.

      He had prepared a huge breakfast particularly freshly baked bread. As if these disciples know how to charm.



      Dear Nouri Zad,

      Because he had an appointment with his wife (Fariba Kamal Abadi) at 9:30, we had to speak while we were eating breakfast. As a Babi researcher, I gave him a handwritten copy of the book Qayyoum-al-Asma and asked him a question that I wish I hadn’t asked. Since after my question, he paled. The question is: Mr. Rouhullah Taeffi, this is the book “Qayyoumul Asma that I have studied it completely. You are saying that believing in Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan (P.H.) as the promised one is of the instances of illusion and the promised one of Islam is the very Bab and its reason is the existence of this interpretation which is the Excellency Bab’s miracle. Is this interpretation miracle? Is the literature of this collection miracle? Which is rejected by Bab himself in this book? Are the quibs of it considered as miracle? I presented him 400 matters as satires of the quibes of the above-mentioned interpretation. Do you know what his answer was.


 Dear Mr. Nouri Zad,

      He said: I haven’t seen this book all of my lifetime even once and he didn’t answer.

      Then, I gave him the book Ighan in which I had written its contradictions. I asked: Dear Mr. Taefi, the Baha’is say that the Excellency Bahaullah has got the position of the greatest chastity and a person who possesses this position will never tell a lie or make a mistake. As it is stated in the faith resources:

لیس لمطلع الامر شریک فی العصمه الکبری

(paragraph 47). The Excellency Bahaullah has confirmed in Ishraghat tablet that the greatest chastity is assigned to the divine manifestations. The Excellency Abdul Baha has stated and clarified a detailed explanation in chapter 45 of the book Mofavezat about this verse that the innate chastity belongs to the general manifestation because chastity is his innate necessity and because chastity is the innate necessity for all manifestations, so it can be separated from those holy existence, The book Aghdas-156.

      The Excellency Nouri Zad,

       I asked him: Is it really allowable for a person who claims for the greatest chastity not to tell lies or make a mistake? He said: No. I said: Why have they stated three materials concerning writing the history of the Ighan. Shogi says: The book Ighan has been written during two days in 1278 A.H.

      According to Iqan itself, it has been written in 18th year of Bab’s prophetic mission. That is the Ighan has been sent exactly in 1278 A.H. On the other side, this claimant of the greatest chastity mentions that he has written the Ighan after returning from Solaymanieh and according to Shoghi, he has come back from Soleymanieh mounts in 1272 A.H.

      Yes, dear Nouri Zad,

      In brief, he evaded to speak with me at first and didn’t speak with me anymore. He said to me: I will speak to you the condition that you say the name of the pupil who has given my telephone number to you. He insisted a lot and I trusted him and gave her name, but before giving I made him promise not to have unsuitable behavior with her. However; after several hours, she called me and insulted me as long as she could. I was ashamed a lot. I wish I hadn’t said her name and I didn’t believe Mr. Taefi welch so.

      Nevertheless; Mr. Nouri Zad,

      After several days that dear lady called me and I explained her the reason of saying her name to Mr. Taefi and she was satisfied, but she grumbled and said: Now, I know the meaning of excommunication. I recently have recently known that their kindness is for making us Baha’i not for humanity.



                                            Source: https://www.hassanershad.com

Bahaism in Iran
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