کد خبر:14226

The Baha’i companies, the economic corridors of the universal house of justice – Port 2

      The position of economy of Bahaism after the Islamic Revolution:       After the Islamic Revolution and revealing the organizational activities of trustee Company – under the economic coverage and exploiting the country exchange in the direction of the interests of the Israeli universal house of justice- its activities were blocked and the […]

      The position of economy of Bahaism after the Islamic Revolution:

      After the Islamic Revolution and revealing the organizational activities of trustee Company – under the economic coverage and exploiting the country exchange in the direction of the interests of the Israeli universal house of justice- its activities were blocked and the company was cancelled, but it wasn’t the end of the adventure of economic exploitation of Bahaism. This time, Bahaism decided to focus on personal and individual planning in addition to group measures via alternative policies for its economic activities and its interior income.

      Due to the sensitivity of the community with the function of them, the members of the cult try to hide their commercial and economic activities in their cooperation with Muslims in the Islamic community bazars. Pretending to be kind extremely by Baha’i women and girls in their contacts with Muslim men, holding mixed parties, absolute unveiling of Baha’i women, inviting the families of Muslim women to the mixed parties, free relationships between men and women and even insulting Islamic teachings and the school of the Household of the prophet (peace be upon them) are of the policies governing these companies. preaching usury, entering pyramid companies like Gold Quest into Iran, smuggling goods, bribery, obstructionism and etc. are of economic damages Bahaism. In order to explain Baha’ism obstructionism, the important message of the universal house of justice concerning influence on the economic domain is presented. In the messages of the Zionistic universal house of justice, the necessity for meddling with economy in Iran as a strategic domain is obvious.

      This report is related to a message from the universal house of justice after the joint comprehensive plan of action:

      “As you know, the commercial companies located at the farthest parts of the world have been really interested in keeping in touch with Iran economically after the joint comprehensive plan of action. As a result, such companies consider themselves as bond with commercial morality based on the civil and international standards. You are asked to request the office of foreign affairs to identify non-governmental groups and companies in order to consider some views towards ethical commitments to commerce with Iran and arrange approaches to contact with these companies….

      In brief, the following problems can be concluded from the message:

  1. sighting the political and economic conditions in the world and identifying influential positions, countries, people and companies
  2. sighting the political and economic condition of Iran and the basic requirements of the country in addition to the quality of interaction between Iran and powerful countries
  3. planning for using the political and economic conditions of the world in the best manner
  4. Identifying the great companies which are going to keep in touch with Iran
  5. planning for organizational proselytizing in international domain considering the quality of the relationships between Iran and developed countries in the field of political and economic relations.
  6. planning and presenting strategies to intrigue people’s emotions who are influential on great companies of the powerful countries
  7. Planning and presenting strategies to create relationships among the great commercial and economic companies of the world and the Iranian Baha’is
  8. Planning and presenting strategies to hire the Iranian Baha’is by the great commercial and economic companies of the world
  9. Planning and presenting strategies for entering the Iranian Baha’is into the important and influential members into the interactions between Iran and the great and developed countries
  10. Identifying and valuation of the activities and services of the Iranian Baha’is as a result of keeping in touch with the great economic countries
  11. Using the services of the Baha’is of Iran abed of the previous cases along with proselytizing of the organization of Bahaism in Iran and other countries
  12. planning and presenting strategy for more proselytizing in Iran through introducing Baha’is services to Iranian in economy domain
  13. planning for providing complementary strategies in compatible with the office for international affairs of the Baha’is abed the united nations to put pressure on great economic companies internationally
  14. Planning for coordinate and consistent ambulation along with preserving interaction and inner relation among Baha’is related to the connected projects.

      In this message, the movement has been shown from up to down and orders have been issued from the top of the Bahaism organization.

      The interesting note is that it is implied in the letter that the Baha’is are honest, but the Baha’is claim of proselytizing in Iran as non-organizational and without plan is quite out of honesty. It indicates that Bahaism prefers proselytizing to honesty.

      It is obvious in this report that “the oneness of humane world” is just a slogan which is changing into the oneness of is Baha’i world based on time expediency and position.

      The following companies belong to the Baha’is:

  1. Ziba Rakhsh Arak company (Rafouneh products) belong to Salman Zadeh
  2. Pargan and Noura companies belongs to Afif Naeemi producing blanket
  3. Ban Ben Bon company belongs to Basim Momtazi producing educational tools for kids
  4. Paksaz Plastic company belongs to Jamal Sabet producing plastic dishes
  5. Neday-e-Dideh commercial company managed by Anoushirvan Cyrus
  6. Shahram commercial company belongs to Shahram Jeddi dispersing stationery, Album and bag
  7. Ramnoush agriculture and animal husbandry company belongs to Jamshid Diyanat which is active in the field of milk and meat.
  8. Mioun Loubar producing company belongs to Ziyaullah Mota’refi
  9. Hazeldar and Afshar Dazgareh company located at Mahdishahr, Semnan managed by Jamaluddin Khanjani (one of the heads of Bahaism) producing construction elements, constructing dam and etc.
  10. The cooperative company of animal husbandry and agriculture of Shahroud managed by Qorban Ali Abbassian and Ryiadh Allah Iganian.
  11. The economic activity in Mosafer Abad Roudan plane managed by Nejatullah Behin Aeen and Rahmatullah Parsaee.
  12. Khotan Yar producing company managed by Hajji Baba Rahmaniyan and Soroush Roshan which is in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, cosmetics and etc.
  13. Mine industries company and Iran Sond belongs to Irani Nejad brothers which is active in the field of importing industrial machineries.   
  14. Tawan Rah Sana’t Company belongs to Hormoz Razavi producing and distributing electricity switch and socket.
  15. Farima elevator company managed by Gholam Hussein Nowrouzi.
  16. Beihagh elevator company managed by Muhammad Shem Abadi
Bahaism in Iran
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