کد خبر:14266

Bahaism, behind the mask of craft Resorting the holy things as one of the tricks of Bahaism organization

      Mourning days of the lunar month of Moharram is the time when the hearts of Shia Iranian community and those of all free people of the world are full of attention and passion towards the splendid movement of Imam Hussein (P.H.) against the reality forgers. This special devotion and interest has been the center […]

      Mourning days of the lunar month of Moharram is the time when the hearts of Shia Iranian community and those of all free people of the world are full of attention and passion towards the splendid movement of Imam Hussein (P.H.) against the reality forgers. This special devotion and interest has been the center of attention of those misusers who are going to dominate on thoughts and to control community in favor of themselves. One of these opportunist movements is the deviant cult of Bahaism whose contradictor contradictory function during Moharram days is worthy be thought. As said many times, the most important priority of Bahaism organization is proselytizing.

      Bahaism report card during the previous years is confirming the plans to weaken people’s beliefs particularly towards the great event towards of Ashoora. Their enmity against Islam was too open and clear that they adapted Bab and Baha’s birthdays with the lunar calendar to hold them in the first and second of the lunar month of Moharram. This hostile measure has had no aim but enmity and proselytizing against Islam. The Baha’i assemblies ask the Baha’i members to celebrate and dance on the occasion of the innovators of sedition. Numerous examples of the universal house of justice statements and messages concerning inviting people to celebrate and expressing happiness and keeping the youth away from mourning ceremony of the Lord of the Martyrs (P.H.). For instance, the followers of the deviant cult of Bahaism planned for the people of the south of India (located at Bengaluru, India) to celebrate and dance on Moharram days to keep the youth away from mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein (P.H.).[1]

      The reprehensible face of Bahaism was manifested more against Shia holy things during 1388 sedition. In the lunar month of Moharram of that year, the Bahaism organization which found the opportunity ready to fulfill its ominous aims held repeated meetings and planned exactly. They attacked the mourning places for Imam Hussein (P.H.) and made them fire. [2] They hurt the mourners of Imam Hussein(P.H.); although the Baha’is couldn’t achieve their ominous intentions due to Shia kindness towards Imam Hussein (P.H.) because Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) esteem is from the unique God:

«و بشر المنافقين بأن لهم عذابا اليما؛ الذين يتخذون الكافرين أولياء من دون المؤمنين أيبتغون عندهم العزة فإنّ العزة الله جميعا »

“Inform the hypocrites that there is a painful punishment for them—those who take the faithless for allies instead of the faithful. Do they seek honor with them? [If so,] indeed all honor belongs to Allah.”[۳]


      During these years, the Bahaism organization has figured out that negative proselytizing against Ashoora is vain. Confronting against Ashoora, Bahaism got humiliated, so it has changed its policy recently and turned to respect these days to recruit.[4] They induce to sympathy towards tyranny against Imam Hussein (P.M.) and his descendants-as human kinds not as an Imam who was going to revitalize the real Islam and to establish the Islamic government.

      The reality of Bahaism is being manifested in their statements and messages in which it invites the Muslim youth to dancing and pleasure gatherings during Moharram days. The reality of Bahaism becomes clear when this organization makes mourning places of Imam Hussein (P.H.)  fire ordered by the universal house of justice. The reality of this cult becomes clear when they are ignoring the revenger of Imam Hussein ‘s (P.H.) blood and usurping his title to achieve the organization’s aims.

      You are sympathizing now. Omar Sa’d cried too. He expressed sympathy on Ashoora noon and considered pulling of the earrings out of kid’s ears as a false action. Imam Hussein (P.H.)  is oppressed because a group of people lost his right and ignored his revenging son deviated Muslim community and also likened their discomfort to his uprising which was done completely for revealing the truth of religion.

      Yes; today, the story of Bahaism is that it hides enmity against Shias under a peaceful and ethical appearance in order to mislead and hit the true beliefs of Islam

[۱] Seday-e-Shia site, 16/128879

[۲] Martyr Aeeni site, insulting 1388 Ashoora managed by the Baha’is, 1390/09/16.

[۳] Chapter Nisa, verses: 138-139.

[۴] The collection of works, Nine days epistle, the faith press institute, p. 235.

Bahaism in Iran
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