کد خبر:15069
انتشار کتاب جدید توسط تشکیلات بهائی در بحرین

Publishing a new book by the Baha’i organization in Bahrein

Mojdeh Jaberi, the Baha’i activist in Arabic countries reported about the publication of a book by the Baha’i organization in Bahrain on 1st of Day narrated by Al-Balad newspaper.       This book called “pluralism in unity framework… the brilliant features of prosperity periods of humanity king” has been published.       The investigations have shown that […]

Mojdeh Jaberi, the Baha’i activist in Arabic countries reported about the publication of a book by the Baha’i organization in Bahrain on 1st of Day narrated by Al-Balad newspaper.

      This book called “pluralism in unity framework… the brilliant features of prosperity periods of humanity king” has been published.

      The investigations have shown that the activities of the followers of the deviant cult of Bahaism are expanding supported by some officials of this country

      This deviant cult is trying to create some changes in people’s lifestyle and to preach the Baha’i teachings particularly among the youth. The speed and variety of these activities are remarkably increasing. What is obvious is that Bahrain government agrees with such activities, because Bahrain government is looking for weakening the pure Shia and Islamic culture in this country like Pahlavi periods of time in Iran due to its contrariety against pure Shia thoughts.



Bahaism in Iran
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