The misled organization of Bahaism which is a cult out of the religion Islam has been made nearly 200 Year years ago by the colonialism heads and has been active continually as the colonial agent in various religious, cultural and economic dimensions in the Iranian community. Because they aren’t strict with being the Iranian and are considered as Israel spies, they are Conducting the ominous plans of enemies fearlessly. One of the long-termed programs of Bahaism in Iran is changing the Iranian and Islamic life style, preaching immodesty and impudence, destroying veiling and sexual sedition. The Islamic scholars consider this deviant cult as atheist, non-Muslim, deviant and unclean.[1] This cult possesses a god (Bahaullah) and commandments which are different from Muslim’s.
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Baha’is became active in great economic, cultural and intelligent service fields because they were the slaves of America and Israel and don’t have any bigotry toward Iranian land, culture and religion. During economic war against Iran, they were alongside with enemies against the Iranian people.
During the current year, Bahaism has been seeking for preaching immodesty and impudence by changing the Iranian community’s culture, rituals and traditions.
The following cases must be investigated for the deviant cult of Baha’ism to be recognized better:
I) The religious texts of Bahaism:
Because the Bahaism texts are written by a non-divine and fallible person and aren’t originated from inspiration source, it possesses vague and disturbed commandments. Because the interpreter of these immoral commandments is the universal house of justice, they interpret the commandments in favor of arrogance’s orders and organization interests.
II) Meddling with fashion and cloth modes and preaching unveiling:
There aren’t any distinct commandments in Baha’i texts concerning legitimate problems of the intimate and aliens and the universal house of justice publishes up-to-date interpretations based on arrogance desire. One of the seditions of Bahaism in Iran is preaching immodesty and unveiling. Unveiling started by discovering Zarrin Taj Qazvini (Qorratul Ein), the Iranian woman who was a Bahaism member during Qajar period of time and later on during Reza Khan’s period of time, it continued by unveiling and ominous plans were fulfilled in fashion and cloth fields in this country.
According to one of the top secret documents related to Pahlavi period of time, the Baha’is were responsible to be active in fashion and cloth fields to make Muslims turn to immodesty and impudence.
The Almighty God states in Chapter Noor Verse 31:
“And tell the faithful women to cast down their looks and to guard their private parts, and not to display their charms, beyond what is [acceptably] visible, and let them draw their scarfs over their bosoms, and not display their charms except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or their slave girls, or male dependents lacking [sexual] desire, or children who are not yet conscious of female sexuality. And let them not thump their feet to make known their hidden ornaments. Rally to Allah in repentance, O faithful, so that you may be felicitous.”
In every parts of the holy Quran, the Almighty God has ordered the faithful to avoid sexual sedition and not to be mixed with aliens and to be pure in sexual affairs but unfortunately in the Muslim community of Iran, the debate of “No to compulsory cover” is proposed and the enemy misused it for its colonial aims and interests not for defending the Iranian women. So, the deviant cult of Bahaism preached body nakedness as a debate of a Muslim Iranian woman to cause divorce, emotional failure in the family and destroying the intimate and alien reverence and tranquility of the community mentally.
IV) Establishing satellite networks to make the Iranian community corrupted:
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution till the current era, thousands of Iranian and non-Iranian networks are active against the Iranian people’s religion and culture. The Baha’is are active in this field, but it is hidden and secret. Manoto is one of these networks. It is a Baha’i network which has been established by a Baha’i person resided abroad. Its aim is to preach immodesty and making a gap between the Iranian system of the government and people in Iran. Other Baha’i networks are active in the cyberspace.
V) Proselytizing the Baha’i trite culture in various parts of the country:
The Baha’is help the poor people to recruit them.
VI) One of the other arena for the emergence of Baha’is is face to face relationship with prone people and being present in nursery schools to communicate with infants and teenagers. Up and down, we are aware of the news concerning the proselytizers of the misled cult of Bahaism who have been arrested in some provinces due to having communications with the public particularly young and teenage girls to encourage them towards unveiling and overwhelming Iranian and Islamic moral limits.
-The holy Quran
-The center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution
-Tabnak news site
-Baha’i Searching site
-The book “the ominous shadow” by Mahnaz Raoufi, Keyhan publishing house …
– Bahaismiran site
– The supreme leader site
– The Excellency Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi site
[۱] Refer to the site, scholar’s views.