The agency of the deviant cult of Bahaism organization in Geneva condemned the execution of the judicial verdict against Remi Rowhani, the head of the national assembly of Baha’is of Qatar dated Day, the 10th.
Remi Rowhani who had condemned due to economic crimes in 2021 A.D. in Qatar to be imprisoned for a month and to pay cash fine of 13700 dollars was arrested in Doha airport.
After detention, the Baha’i heads and the representatives of the Baha’i organization reacted severely against Qatar and announced the reason for his detention as being a Baha’i. while several days before the incident, the representatives of Bahaism organization had participated at annual Doha Forum 2024″.
Supporting this economic criminal, the Bahaism organization condemned justice execution for him issuing a statement.
Such reactions show that this cult uses overhanging when the followers of this deviant cult are encountered legally in Asian and African countries.
These behaviors are openly contradictory with Baha’ism claiming for justice and executing law at universal level and show that this misled cult cannot tolerate justice fulfillment for its members.