From the beginning till now, Bahaism has selected various methods in its activities, but it has changed its tactics depending on the expediencies of political issues. However, what is obvious is the paradox of the function of this organization having slogans such as not meddling with policy.
- Superficial leaving policy:
One of the key teachings of Bahaism which has been exaggerated
and the function of Bahaism has been against it since the past till now is the lack of meddling with policy and obeying the government. This teaching has been a trick for the Baha’is to influence on policy and government specially in Iran and is going to present a spiritual image for Bahaism.
The Bahaism leaders always stress on the separation of religion
and policy and always insist on the lack of bond between Bahaism and policy world. According to this principle, the Baha’is aren’t allowed to participate at political affairs. This principle has been emphasized by Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) and the next leaders of Bahaism, but they themselves have been the most political people.
Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha) says about the lack of meddling with policy: “The extent of being a Baha’i or not is that everybody who meddles with policy or speaks and acts out of his/her duty, this proof will be enough for him/her to show he/she is not a Baha’i. Another reason is not needed.[1]
He takes each kind of political right away from the nation in his epistle called policy and considers the government specially for kings as a divine gift.”[۲]
After Abbas Effendi, Shoghi Effendi says in this regard: “God forbid, meddling with policy. The disciples must take away from these issues and resent each duty which ends in meddling with policy.”[۳]
The separation between religion and policy which has been the slogan of Bahaism leadership has been more for the coordination between the teachings of this deviant cult and the western ones to deceive general thoughts.
Bahaism leaders stepped on the way which was in accordance with the arrogant when the scholars of Islam were the most serious barrier for the Colonialists.
The leaders of the cult were trying to show a spiritual image out of themselves presenting such slogans and to amuse people with secondary affairs confronting the arrogance of Colonialism, but confessed by history all activities of this cult have been supported by aliens since its formation: planning against the Iranian nation, assassinating the innocent people, being influential on constitution movement and deviating it, bond with masonry, supporting Reza Khan’s coup, being influential on Pahlavi government and taking on sensitive posts and positions, supporting the formation and establishment of the Zionistic regime, confronting against the Islamic Revolution, participating at 1388 riot and 1401 restlessness and etc. are of the most political activities done by a group or cult.
To interpret this historical trick of the Baha’is, Khanji writes:
“It is good to see what the Baha’is mean by meddling with the policy: Meddling with policy in its general meaning or meddling with some policies is allowable? Studying various tablets and sermons of the Baha’i leaders reveals this note that according to them, the lack of meddling with policy has a special meaning and it is allowable for them to meddle with some policies; for example, in constitution revolution, the Baha’is entered completely into revolution movement and didn’t ignore proselytizing in favor of the arrogant and against those who were in favor of the constitution.”[۴]
As Abdul Baha considers Muhammad Ali Shah as the fair king tablets in one of its tablets issued during Muhammad Ali shah’s coup.”
However, after Muhammad Ali Shah’s removal of office and the Iranian constitutionalists’ triumph and the failure of political attempts of Russia in Iran, the Baha’is became frustrated.
In 1329 A.H., Abbas Effendi who had advised his disciples not to meddle with policy and to obey Qajar Kingdom became in favor of constitution and forgot the principle of not meddling with policy exactly 4 years after his previous letter. He ordered: “The Baha’is must be elected for the parliament to socialize with politicians to make the Baha’is and the British close to each other.” [5]
Francesco Ficiccia, an ex-Baha’i, turned against the deviant cult of Bahaism after studying and searching the cult and was excommunicated by the cult. He has interesting views the political approach of Bahaism.
According to him, superficial loyalty of the Bahaism organization towards government, avoiding meddling with policy and the necessity for obeying the law and avoiding the political parties are due to mere opportunism and are merely a collection of functional measures which are observed as long as Bahaism and the Baha’i community is in infancy stag in order to be in a position to fulfill its announced aims which is called by Ficiccia as hiding the theological system and the political aims of Bahaism organization.[6]
The reasons for posing the slogan of not meddling with policy by Bahaism:
I) Regarding fighting against aliens by the Iranian people, it tries to hide the relationship between this cult and aliens and to speak about spirituality and morality.
II) To pursue its political aims such as creating disunity among the Iranian nation, weakening religion against and clergymen and confronting against democratic and religious movements under this slogan
III) To help its main supporters and aliens to dominate on Iran.
[۱] Seyyed Muhammad Bagher Najafi, the Baha’i’s, Tehran, Tahouri, 1357S.H., p. 755.
[۲] Abbas Effendi, the epistle “policy”, a glance. at Bahaism religion, p. 49-50.
[۳] Seyyed Muhammad Bagher Najafi, ibid, p. 758.
[۴] Muhammu Ali Khanji, “the critical investigation of some slogans of Bahaism”, Zamaneh periodical, year 6, slogan 61, Mehr 1386, p.13.
[۵] J.E. Esslement, Bahaullah and the new era,1932 A.D., p. 63.
[۶] Francesco Ficiccia,, 19th of Mordad, 1389 S.H.
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