Religion possesses a course based on which wisdom proceeds; that is, the intellectual rules are used in proving religion and beliefs and at last it achieves spiritualties. However, cults are escaping tendency towards wisdom and are extremely taking aloof from intellectual discussions.
The main principle in gnosticism is the pure action and diligent attempt in performing divine orders and the rituals and morality of the religious law of the holy prophet. In this case, heart becomes illuminated and achieves monotheism truth.
Each cult which is claiming for gnosticism must be tested by this, but un assay, but are unfortunately treacherous and false gnosticisms are recently emerged against the original and pure ones trying to deviate people particularly the youth using special attractions.
Wisdom is the best guidance for human being confronting religious issues. Helped by wisdom, it can be recognized which gnosticism is able to make human being to get close to God.
In these gnosticisms closeness to God and kindness of God are not the main aims and they have been substituted by claimed aims such as love, happiness and tranquility. Anyway, the factors such as preaching religious tendency towards abounding, disciple rearing, creating commune and base, introducing love as aim, paying attention to interior and morality, paying attention to sexual issues and etc. are common characteristics among them all are used in the domain of escaping from wisdom and making followers busy.
Because wisdom plays a key role in strengthening the religion of Islam and religion is influential in preaching reasoning, it is usual to be a close relationship between these two entities. However, because religion is sometimes posing issues which either out of the availability and authority of wisdom or everybody is not able to figure out them; so it is usual for a kind of incompatibility to be felt between wisdom and religion misused by cults.
Of course, the base and rudiments of the religion of Islam are based on wisdom, but when we achieved the gate of this garden via wisdom as the key; from this time on, most of the issues of religion are basically occult are out of wisdom sight. These issues may be related to the past; such as those which are out of date or predictions which are related to the future or issues related to interval between death and resurrection and future life and various dimensions and stages of this reality and also the miracles which have been performed by the divine prophets. All of them are out of wisdom availability and basically these affairs’ natures cannot be achieved by wisdom.
Which wisdom?
When it is spoken about wisdom as center and its role and value, it is asked: which wisdom? everybody’s wisdom? or group wisdom? It is obvious that it isn’t an individual one, but it is the group wisdom. Because wisdom maybe afflicted by caprice and can’t judge. It is also clear that this wisdom is not near-sighted; that is, it considers future interests. Consequently, the center of our discussion is group wisdom which can be interpreted as the general wisdom of human being.
Inviting to God, we encounter two methods: the method of divine prophets and logical one. The divine prophets’ method is not in contrast with logical one, but it confirms the logical method completely and it completes the insufficiencies of wisdom. So, we can observe that wisdom is the gate to enter into religion.
In addition to cults, the followers of Christianity have been apathetic with intellectual dimension and believe that faith is not compatible with intellectual dimension.
In several cults such as Bahaism, this proposition is true. Christians say Christianity religion is cardiac and doesn’t need wisdom. Bahaism organization says encountering its intellectual and scientific critics that you must be Baha’i more to remove these doubts.
In Sufism cults, the condition of gnosticism and spirituality is being attracted and digested in the cult and they don’t consider any position for wisdom. They believe the disciple mu be similar to a dead body in the hands of the mortician.
The great leaders of the holy religion of Islam say:
خذ الحکمة ممن اتاک بها وانظر الی ما قال و لا تنظر الی من قال“”
“Learn science and wisdom everywhere they turn to you. Think well about the content of the statement. Don’t think about the one who says it.”[۱]
The holy prophet (P.H.) commissioned students to learn battle techniques and its means. Undoubtedly, divine inspiration origins and traditions of religion leaders provide a treasury of sciences and learnings in various fields for human being, but it hasn’t restricted helpful science with inspiration and speech of prophets and Imams in these holy orders, but it has encouraged human beings to enter into this vast ocean using each possible way to drink sips of science and learning. Basically wisdom as the inner prophet must recognize pure and impure sciences and learnings:
فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ الَّذِینَ یَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَیَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ“[۲]
“There is good news for those who listen to the word [of Allah] and follow the best [interpretation] of it. They are the ones whom Allah has guided, and it is they who possess intellect.”
[۱] Mostafa Derayati, the lexicon of the words of Qorrarul Helkam, 1413, P. 1341, No.1.132.
[۲] Al-Zomar Chapter, Verse 18.