کد خبر:15343

The terroristic interior and peaceable appearance of Bahaism

      The social-historical experience and investigation have indicated that those religious cults which have focused on new era thoughts and the issues related to social relations and programs have been welcomed. Thus, the Baha’i organization tried to make superficial transformations in the appearance and advertisements of the cult since Abbas Effendi’s trip to Europe and […]

      The social-historical experience and investigation have indicated that those religious cults which have focused on new era thoughts and the issues related to social relations and programs have been welcomed. Thus, the Baha’i organization tried to make superficial transformations in the appearance and advertisements of the cult since Abbas Effendi’s trip to Europe and America to create new ways to recruit.

      Abbas Effendi (the second leader of Bahaism) set a mixture of Baha’i viewpoint so that it was in accordance with modern taste to be enjoyable for the modern addressees and presented principles entitled “the Baha’i twelve principles” bonded  by Bahaism which weren’t new claimed by Bahaism and were in contrast with the cult function!

      However, the Baha’is proselytized very much and extensively to pretend Bahaism cult to be modern. “The general peace is of the principles which will be criticized by the present article:


      – What does Bahaism mean by the general peace?

      Abbas Effendi says in this regard:” The great court of the humane world won’t be established, all different affairs of the governments and nations won’t be resolved in that court and the creation world won’t be relaxed unless the general peace raises… The representatives of governments and nations must be gathered in this court without paying attention to nationality and consider themselves as the real representatives of humankind.” He continues: “In addition to establishing local and national governments, the universal government is essential for the oneness of humane world.”

      The remarkable note is that he mentions the lack of commitment towards hometown:

      “Nobody can be proud of being in love with his/her hometown. He/she can be proud of being in love with the world.”

      In Bahaism, universality is stressed and it will have dangerous consequences for the countries.

      Today, the specialists believe: “Universality has intertwined jobs and the governments instead of making them free.The countries – particularly America – started using this phenomenon as traps across the world.

      Consequently, the note is that who are the addressees of the words of not paying attention to hometown and universality? The tyrant country or the oppressed one? Because this phenomenon can be changed into an element having the nature of anti-tyranny for colonies or the countries which are at risk of Colonialism and it causes a struggle to be free from Imperialism and the acquiring national independence which can be defendable. However, Bahaism cannot tolerate this nationalism due to secret interactions with universal imperialism.

      Generally speaking, this concept encountered with failure and even for more powerful countries, universality has proven that it isn’t a force for making free, but it is a new source for vulnerability, competition and control. Nets have shown that they provide less courses for freedom…

       In chain universality, the countries bond each other due to mutual dependence and this dependence will tempt them to put their rivals in a bind via spying and economic pressure and they try to repel the rivals’ mutual and similar attacks… the universality itself can be ended in a new kind of conflict and dispute.

       Thus, it is obvious that when Bahaism is speaking about general peace, it is active in serving its western and American lords and its aim is just making others surrender. The cult heads have claimed that all world people are turning to Bahaism cult by performing the new discipline and universal government of Bahaism will be formed.

       In this regard, reviewing the Baha’i works shows that Baha’ism has a long-term plan for establishing the government during which the material and spiritual governments of the world would be in hands of this organization. shoghi Effendi (the third head of the organization) has announced in various positions that the aim for establishing the administrative system and the activities of Baha’i institutes is to provide background to achieve the golden community and to acquire the political management of the community.

      Also, Bahaism believes in its claimed principles to be new and innovative, while such claim is quite vain.

      Anyway, Bahaism is going to introduce itself as the peace herald, but is it able to be bond with its claim even in slightest dimension?    

      Bahaism is a branch of Babism whose leader Bab, has called his followers “to behead the opponents, to burn non-Babi books, not to have social intercourses with other nations, to destiny holy tombs of non-Babis and to massacre all those who didn’t believe in Babism.”

      The forged prophet of Bahaism, Hussein Ali Nouri who had been first Babi has committed many crimes as the Babis. Ezziyel Nouri, Hussein Ali’s sister has revealed terroristic measures of the Baha’is in the book “Tanbih al-Naemin”.

       He writes about her brother’s assassinations in a letter known as “the aunt epistle”: “They beheaded seyyed Ismaeel Isfahani and tore Hajji Mirza Ahmad Kashi’s belly. They blasted Hajj seyyed Muhammad’s maternal uncle’s head and tore Mirza Ali’s flank and killed him. They killed several people in dark night and threw them into Tigris and …”

       In the book “Aghdas” cases such as burning the sinful, branding the thieves’ foreheads, attributing bad and baleful titles to those who don’t love Bahaism head and the necessity for boycotting them… are examples of bloodthirsty temper of Bahaism leaders registered in the book.

      Indeed, Bahaism can’t be considered as the herald of peace while the claimant of prophethood of Bahaism has issued a verdict to confront severely and violently with his opponents:

أنتُم یا أحِباءا… کُونُوا سحاب الفَضل لِمَن آمَنَ بِا… و « : و آیاتِه و عَذابُ المَحتُوم لِمَن کَفَرَ بِا… و أمرِه

      “O’ Baha’is, be mercy cloud for believers of Bahaism and eminent torture for the rejecters and opponents.”

      How can Bahaism be peaceable while its heads have helped the colonialist during history and Abbas Effendi has called America as a noble nation and ringleader of peace in the world and Johnson (the then president of America) has called the Baha’i assembly and said: “Your aim is the same as America’s.” and Shoghi Effendi (the third leader of the Baha’is) has issued a statement in which he has stressed on the necessity for absolute obedience of Nazism and its policies for obeying Hitler and also it plays a role in attacking America to Irag and exercising sanctions against Iran and against hoarding medical and hygienic items during Corona pandemic disease.

      Thousands of Palestinian kids and women have been killed by the usurp Zionistic regime and Bahaism has been silent and hasn’t reacted even by a statement. How can it claim for being peaceable?!!!

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