۱۲۵ representatives of European parliament and the national parliaments of European countries condemned Iran supporting the statement of the special reporters of the United Nations and the experts of working groups of this organization dated Bahman, 11.
This statement which was published on Day 3, warns that the Islamic Republic of Iran has intensified harassing the Baha’i women as the greatest religious non-Muslim minority of the country. These women are encountered with discrimination due to their sex and religion, while the main reason for definite confrontation against Bahaism in Iran is their various political violations such as violating the constitution, hoarding, gouging, meddling illegally with nursery schools and etc.
The experts of the United Nations announced under the influence of the Zionistic organization that the increasing in the Baha’i women harassment in more extensive framework of repressing women in Iran and the challenging of sexual equality is a worrying aggravation. In a shared letter to the Iranian government on Mordad 10, 1403, they asked for urgent stoppage of detentions, unfair harassments and imprisonment while it isn’t so at all.
The representatives of the European parliament expressed worry deeply and asked for urgent measure of the international community to end harassing the Baha’i women and guaranteeing human rights obeying the statement against Iran. They also referred to the European parliament’s previous statement dated Tir and Aban 1403 S.H.
The reporters of the united nations are extremely influenced by the Bahaism organization supported by the western countries and the Baha’ism organization is using various lobbies financially to influence on these reporters and to buy them.
The Baha’i representatives of the international community have welcomed the extensive supports of the European parliament and asked for harmonious measure against Iran, while the Baha’i community and the European countries don’t do any special measure concerning the massacre of the oppressed people of Gaza and the occupied Palestine.
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