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Emigration and community making of the Bahaism organization via increasing population

Emigration and community making of the Bahaism organization via increasing population

      Population growth via proselytizing Bahaism       To increase its people and the possibility for influencing on the universal community and to introduce itself as a universal religion, the Bahaism creed has no way but extensive proselytizing and proselytizing the followers of other religions and making them Baha’i. Consequently, the leaders of Bahaism religion […]

      Population growth via proselytizing Bahaism

      To increase its people and the possibility for influencing on the universal community and to introduce itself as a universal religion, the Bahaism creed has no way but extensive proselytizing and proselytizing the followers of other religions and making them Baha’i. Consequently, the leaders of Bahaism religion consider proselytizing people and the followers of other religions and groups as inseparable part of their teachings; so that Abdul Baha, Bahaullah’s offspring and one of the important characters of Baha’ism orders for Baha’i to make at least one person Baha’i during a year.

      He emphasizes in a statement:

      “Each Baha’i person must restrict his/her mind to proselytizing. Because if it is done, no proselytizer is needed after a year and people themselves will make haste to oneness sea… So, O’ divine disciples, every friend must make at least a person Baha’i during a year.”[۱]

      The above-mentioned example is one of hundreds of messages and speeches about the importance of proselytizing and inviting the Baha’is to public proselytizing found in various instructions of the leaders of Baha’i organization aiming to increase the numbers of Baha’is.

       Although the growth in Bahaism population via proselytizing can be considered as one of logical solutions, but the Baha’i creed confronts various challenges in this course, because the religious leaders of other religions and groups don’t simply allow the Baha’i organization to outrage their followers’ beliefs. The governments in many Islamic and Arabic countries and even Israel also look upon them as intrusive guests and don’t let them to have proselytizing activities.

      Consequently, forming international conferences, building temples in various parts of the world, creating various proselytizing organizations, printing and translating books and proselytizing leaflets to various languages and even referring house to house[2] and proselytizing groups, organizations and followers of other religions as a democratic-social group are clear reasons for this fact that the Bahaism organization needs followers more than any time else to be able to be recognized as a religion in the world.


      Emigration as the supplement for proselytizing

      Emigration is a form of geographic ambulation and the spatial one done between two geographic units and is one of the important factors changing the statistic of numbers, age and sexual composition of population. Encouraging the Baha’is to emigrate is of the important measures of the Baha’i organization for population growth and more expansion. It is called Baha’i community making.

      The existence of various messages of Baha’i leaders in encouraging the Baha’is to emigrate and the universal Baha’i plans in commissioning the Baha’is to various countries in the world is indicating the importance of population growth issue. The Baha’i organization has taken important step to expand Baha’i population by setting a 10-year universal annual plan and detaching the Baha’is to various parts of the world since 1953 A.D.

      Emigrating the Baha’is to various countries and creating proselytizing bases, publishing books, translating the Baha’i materials into needed languages, purchasing places and registering the Baha’i organizations as Charities are of important measures which play role in the statistics of proselytizing, the expansion of media and the growth in the population of the supporters.

      The leadership of the organization could almost gain his aims that is dispersing the Baha’is across the world and introduce itself as the second creed community in terms of Baha’i population dispersion after Christianity after 7-year plan setting 10-year, 9-year and 20-year plans and the increase in local and national assemblies.

      Although this expansion is trivial and the Baha’is are classified in various countries as ” other religions”.

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[۱] The faith news, No.4, Mordad, 1327 p.90, the faith news, No. 6, Meler, 1327, P. 119.

[۲] The message of June, 7, 2007 A.D.

Bahaism in Iran
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