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The Bahaism organization which is claiming for the lack of meddling with policy and this principle is considered as one of 12 principles of Bahaism organization will prove in continuation of this article that it has meddle with policy and directing coup in Zimbabwe professionally and in specialized manner.
Farzam Kamal Abadi, the formal member of the Bahaism organization who is known as Hua Zan in china is the most influential non-Chinese person in this country. Kamal Abadi has spoken about his role in transferring power by the military force in Zimbabwe dated Nov. 20, 2017 A.D. publishing his photos of his visit with the new Zimbabwe president’s son. More exactly, Kamal Abadi writes on Nov.20, 2017 in this his twitter: “Great moral victor victory, this peaceful transmission of power that even conducted without bloodshed (pointing out the event of transferring power in Zimbabwe meddled with military forces and the army on Nov. 2017) and who knows one who was the strategic guide of such event? Zimbabwe, the new model for Africa).”[۱]
Kamal Abadi’s meeting with a board from Zimbabwe in Dubai headed by the new president’s son of this country to congratulate the influential role of Kamal Abadi in transferring power to the new president meddling with army and military forces.
Kamal Abadi’s meeting with Zimbabwe’s new president’s son in Dubai
In his website, Kamal Abadi has published the above photos and perked his role as vital in transferring power in Zimbabwe in 2017 A.D. and suggest this model of transferring power for other African countries.
Kamal Abadi’s twit on Nov. 20, 2017 exactly at the time of transferring power by the army and military forces in Zimbabwe
We are going to review the events in 2017 A.D. in Zimbabwe and introduce those who played roles in the event.
The operation of the establishment of heritage:
The details of event of transferring power in Zimbabwe meddling with military forces have been published in the formal correspondences across the world and here is the brief statement. In brief, the military deposition of Zimbabwe president, Robert Mugabe was done on Nov. 2017 A.D. Three months before the event, Aug. 2017 A.D. the tension between Zimbabwe’s president’s wife-Grace Mugabe- and the vice president Emmerson Nangawa – thrived for competing for 93-year-old Robert Mugabe’s succession. Mugabe was the president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. His vice-president, Nangawa was of his old friends since Zimbabwe independence war in 1960s A.D. to Nov. 2017. On Oct, 2017 A.D., Nangawa was poisoned and his relatives accused Grace Mugabe. Answering to this accusation, Grace Mugabe accused Nangawa in a speech with looking for the coup and described him as a timid person. These tensions continued to Nov. 6, 2017 A.D. when Robert Mugabe fired his vice president, Nangawa. So, Grace Mugabe became an unapproachable candidate for the presidential elections. However, Nangawa who was along with Mugabe since Zimbabwe’s independence supported by several high-ranking army officers. According to them, Nangawa must have been the leader of Zimbabwe after Mugabe.
The fired Nangawa escaped to Mozambique along with his wife for the fear of being killed and then the south Africa. Nangawa issued a manifesto and announced he was not going to harass Mugabe. He continued to say: Mugabe and his relatives in ZANU- PF party will be dismissed by people and it will be happened in next several weeks. Nangawa promised to come back and asked the members of ZANU-PF party to leave Mugabe.
At that day; Christopher Motswangwa, one of the senior politician of ZANU-PF party, Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front escaped to the south Africa, too announcing the senior officials of the intelligent service of the south Africa about the military interference to transfer power in Zimbabwe. At the same time, General Constantino Chiwenga, the chairman of the army of Zimbabwe was in China in a predetermined trip. Chiwenga visited two high-ranking officials of the army of China called Chan Vankwan and Lee Zuchang officially. In his trip to China, Chiwenga was informed by the intelligent service that Mugabe has issued his detention verdict. However, he came back to Zimbabwe on Nov. 12, 2017, but his relatives and several army officers made him escape wearing disguise in Zimbabwe airport. On Nov. 13, 2017 A.D. Chiwenga announced in a manifesto that the army will come to the stage to support and preserve the revolution. During Chiwenga’s speech, 90 army heads were present to indicate that army is with him. On Nov. 14, 2017 A.D., military cars and tanks came to the street of Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. On Nov. 15, 2017 A.D. many ministers’ houses were attacked. Also, Mugabe had been imprisoned in his house.
Tensions continued until Nov. 19 when the members of Mugabe party dismissed him, his wife and 20 people of his companions from the party. However, Mugabe didn’t care about this action and announce not to resign this post. The army continued to give a day as his day respite to resign by Nov. 20th. On Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. Mugabe formally resigned and Nangawa returned to Zimbabwe on Nov 22, 2017 A.D.
The investigation of the role of Farzam Kamal Abadi in the coup 2017 A.D., Zimbabwe:
According to what is described by Farzam Kamal Abadi, He becomes interested in China and its culture since 1981 A.D. practically. From that time on, he starts learning Chinese language and its accents and also learning chinese handwriting professionally. Since 1987 A.D., Farzam Kamal Abadi resides in china and tries hard to introduce Chinese culture and to develop the economy of this country. According to him, the economic and political ties and transactions in which Kamal Abadi and his various companies have played key roles during 30 years has been 25 billion dollars. The concentration of Kamal Abadi On the development of Chinese profits in the farthest parts of the world has been confessed by him.
It should be mentioned that Kamal Abadi is a member of Bahaism organization. According to Baha’i texts, the Bahaism organization is going to traverse its evolution stages. It is going to gain the power of various countries’ governments across the world in 7 stages to achieve the universal dominance. We know that Farzam Kamal Abadi is Fariba Kamal Abadi’s – one of the managers of the Iranian Baha’i community- brother. Fariba Kamal Abadi has played basic roles in creating inconsistency without regulating the legal standards; for example, her leadership and other members of companions’ board in establishing proselytizing and educational institutes without receiving official permit from the formal organizations of the country. So, paying attention to the organizational aims of Kamal Abadi family and their influence on inner governmental layers in various countries are worthy to be paid attention.
In his latest twit, Kamal Abadi says: “Zimbabwe, a new model for Africa.” After passing nearly two years from Zimbabwe coup, Kamal Abadi must be asked: “Indeed, is Zimbabwe’s coup a model which must be followed by other African countries? Is he looking for running various coups? in other African countries? According to analyses, transferring power in the form of a coup in Zimbabwe rarely leads to creating changes in the structure of leadership and management of a country basically. Consequently, the model suggested by the Excellency Kamal Abadi not only doesn’t have any influence on the development and peace of a country but also leads of normalization of this action for those who are following coup and gaining power. Eventually, the photo of Kamal Abadi next to Nanguwa’s son is an economic proselytizing. Not only this meeting hasn’t been held to acknowledge a person or company by a country but also it indicates Kamal Abadi’s servicer to achieve his wishes and personal desires.
Author: Hassan Ershad, dated 1401/1/23
[۱] Mega Moral Victory This Peaceful Transition With Zero Bloodshed & Who Would Know Whose Strategic Guidance Behind The Scene Brought This About? Zimbabwe The New Model For Africa)
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