کد خبر:2252

Shoqi Effendi, the third leader of Baha’ism was supported by the Zionistic regime. Why?

By: Mahmoud Ghochan The Baha’i groups opposing Abbas Effendi (to whom the Shoqi opponents were added to them) were present in Palestine and didn’t consider Abbas and Shoqi effendi as merited for the cult leadership – after Hussein Ali Baha. They (the covenant breakers) dominated on the Baha’i places in Palestine for a long period […]

By: Mahmoud Ghochan

The Baha’i groups opposing Abbas Effendi (to whom the Shoqi opponents were added to them) were present in Palestine and didn’t consider Abbas and Shoqi effendi as merited for the cult leadership – after Hussein Ali Baha. They (the covenant breakers) dominated on the Baha’i places in Palestine for a long period of time and troubled Shoqi Effendi. However, as soon as it was established, the Israel government supported Shoqi wing.

In a letter dated June, 11, 1952 less than two months after visiting the American Baha’i with Ben Gurion, the prime minister of Israel during his visit to the United States) gave good news to the Baha’is such as: “Falling and destroying all the rest of covenant breakers who are still opposing the dominant powers of the Baha’i community blodly.”

Then, he points out that the Baha’is have destroyed a ruined house belonged to the opponents near the Baha’i places and they have complained about this measure to Israel courts, but the israeli government rejected the competence the country court to investigate this issue. “Neverthless, Shoqi opponents threated later on that they would appeal the vote of the suppreme court and consequently would cause the officials to be angry.”

Atthat time, Shoqi seized the time are acted directly. As a result, the mentioned agents allowed that building to be destroyed due to his reference to the prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs of Israel. According to Shoqi Effendi, this measure of his opponents which ended in the Israeli officials to be angry caused them to be deprived of the adventages which they were using for 60 years[1].”

After the support by Israel, Shoqi effendi performed violent measures against his rivals: “Next to the Blessed garden, there was a blacksmithing shop belonged to one of the covenant breakers who was in favor of Muhammad Ali, Abbas Effendi’s brother as his workplace. According to Shoqi, the shop was destroyed.[2]

In a telegraph dated Dec. 15, 1951, Shoqi announced Israeli government support of him and said to the national assemblies of the Baha’isof Iran: “Give good news to disciples that after more than 50 years the keys of field palace was delivered by the guardians of israli government[3].

Supported by Israeli government, Shoqi gained variousprivilages and dominated his opponents: “The Blessed Palace of the Excellency Bahaullah… became free from the covenant breakers and was changed into museum. All Baha’I real states became free from paying taxes. Baha’i marriage was recognized officially as legal one…[۴]

In this way; among all branches of the Baha’I faith, just Shoqi wing one was completely recognized by Israel government[5].

In all existing differences and claims among the Baha’is, “the covenant breakers were condomned and the clear faith of the Baha’is was assumed as right.[6]

Form that time on,all the places held by the opponents of Abbas Effendi or according to the Baha’is held by the covenant breakers was captured and delievered to the organization of Shoqi wing.[7]

Concerning the importance of the Baha’is for the Zionistic regime of Israel, the official related to the embassy of the occupier regime of Uruguay has said: “In Israel, a small group of the Baha’is is existent, most of them were Baha’is. Although they are 250 people, but they are important in Israel posessing high ranks.[8]



[۱] The faith news, Khordad-Tir 1331. Refer to the detailed letter of the baha’I international board, dated June 1, 1952 (Tir, 10, 1331) to the Iranina Baha’i national assembly (the faith news, 1331, No. 5, Shahrivar.

[۲] Ibid, 1331, No.5 (Shahrivar)

[۳] Ibid, 1329, No. 8-9 (Azar-Day)

[۴] Ahang-e-Badi’a, 1339, No. 8-10, p. 219.

[۵] The Faith News, Azar, 1338, No. 9, p. 259.

[۶] Ibid, Mordad, 1331, No. 4, p. 4.

[۷] Ahan-e-Badi’a, 1339, No. 4, p. 96.

[۸] The faith news, Mordad-Shahrivar 1340, No. 5-6, p. 303.

Bahaism in Iran
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