کد خبر:2734

Removing prejudices prohibit resistance against the tyrant governments

removing prejudices is the 9th principle of Baha’ism beliefs which means removing all prejudices such as religious, racial, national and political ones and etc. The Baha’is declare that the existent differences among human being are due to the ignorant prejudices. These prejudices are great barriers for establishing peace, unity, equality and a dam between man […]

removing prejudices is the 9th principle of Baha’ism beliefs which means removing all prejudices such as religious, racial, national and political ones and etc.

The Baha’is declare that the existent differences among human being are due to the ignorant prejudices. These prejudices are great barriers for establishing peace, unity, equality and a dam between man and the real prosperity.(Ashraf Faramarz, a collection of the materials of the Baha’I faith in brief, national institute of the faith press, 131 Badi’a). In this regard, Abbas Effendi says: “prejudice is the destroyer of human base in ach kind.” (Ibid)

According to the bha’ism teachings: “It is claimed that the scale is the priority for science,a ction and morality instead of homeland, position and these priorities don’t make any superiority.” (Familiarizing with the Baha’I faith, the national institute of the faith press, 130 Badi’a)

According to Hussein Ali Nouri’s claim, there is no difference between monothoistic and atheistic faithful and unfaithful people. All of them are the same against social and civil rules and possess the same rights. (Ibid)


The criticism of the principle of removing all kinds of prejudices:


In the divine religions such as Islam, the word prejudice has been investigated and reprehended. Basically, Islam has stressed and recommended on not being bigotted in social and moral fields in theological issues. In this regard, the holy Quran says:


“فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ  الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ ” (سوره زمر/ آیه ۱۷و ۱۸)

Thereof, give good tidings (O, Muhammad) to my bondmen who hear advice and follow thebest thereof. Such are those whom Allah guideth, and such as men of understanding


Also, the holy Quran says:

“لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ  قَدْ تَبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ” (سوره بقره/ ۲۵۶)

There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error (Al-Baqareh/ 256)


Without distinguishing among religious, patriotic and other bigotries with blind bigotry, the Baha’is have stressed on each kind of bigotry. (Abbas Effendi, the sermons, germany, the national assembly of the faith works, Bita, Vol. 2, p. 147)

However, Baha’ism is stressing on negating each kind of religious and national bigotries while the method of the divine leaders and the Almighty God are agianst them.

As a matter of fact, why has the forged prophet of Baha’ism prevented his followers to associate with his opponents:


“لا تُعاشروا مَعَ الذین هُم کَفَرُوا بِاللهِ وَ آیاتِهِ ثُمَّ اجتَنَبُوا عَن مِثلِ هولاءِ”

Don’t have social intercourses with those who became unbelievers of God and his verses (the Baha’is) and avoid them.”


Why the Baha’ism leader has considered his opponents’ logic as fatal poison if bigotry is obscene:

“So, O’ my people of Redhvan, preserve yourselves out of malicious soul poisons which is having social intercourses with the ignorant and polytheists.” (Ibid)

By: Shahab Kyani

Bahaism in Iran
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