کد خبر:3003

The Baha’is headed by the Baha’ism organization inline of the riots of Isfahan city

As expected, the traces of the Baha’i subversive organization which have previously seen in all movement to overthrow and provoke public oppositions can now be seen in oppositions of Isfahan people. One of the elements related to the Baha’ism organization was arrested during the current riot of Isfahan: “The arrested person is of the provocative […]

As expected, the traces of the Baha’i subversive organization which have previously seen in all movement to overthrow and provoke public oppositions can now be seen in oppositions of Isfahan people.

One of the elements related to the Baha’ism organization was arrested during the current riot of Isfahan: “The arrested person is of the provocative networks in Isfahan. “S.R.” is one of the active elements and of the agent of provoking people in street riots expressed its dependence on one of the deviant cults[1].”

However, the news about the presence of the Baha’is in the recent unrests in Isfahan following the public oppositions against over water shortage contains the following notes:

  • The role of the Baha’i elements and organization during riots and turning the public oppositions into riots has been prominent since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution. An organization which confirmed its enmity against the Iranian people and the Islamic movement of people before forming the Islamic Revolution by supporting the repression of Pahlavi regime.[2]

This organization has been active in all overthrowing movements. The following evidence indicate its direct confrontation against the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian people: Violating of the provisions of its commitments in 1362 S.H. to dissolve its organization and obey the system of the government of Iran[3], the active role in 1388 S.H. riots[4], changing the people oppositions in 1396 S.H. into riots[5], turning people oppositions in 1398 S.H. into riots[6], the current unsuccessful attempt to create unrests in Isfahan opposition.

The Baha’ism organization has also tried to advance the policy of maximum pressure on the Iranian people and to condemn the Islamic Republic using human rights excuses; alongside with the policy of hate dialogue against the Islamic Republic of Iran posed by the Baha’i proselytizers.[7]

  • Being hid behind the slogan of staying away from policy posed by their leaders, the Baha’ism organization is pursuing its efforts to overthrow the Iranian system of government. The teachings which had prevented meddling with policy: “If each disciple wants to interfere with policy in his/her house or other people’s assemblies, it will be better for him/her first to cut off this faith and let everyone know that he/she doesn’t belong this faith at all.[8]

Additionally, each opposition against the rulers in the teachings will follow the legitimate prohibition for the Baha’is:


“لَیسَ لأحَدٍ أن یَعتَرِضَ عَلی الَّذین یَحکُمُونَ عَلَی العِبادِ. دَعوا لَهُم ما عِندَهُم وَ تَوَجَّهُوا إلَی القلوب”

“Nobody is allowed to oppose against those who rule. Pay attention to hearts and leave everything belongs to them alone.[9]


However, it seems the Baha’is organization considers the presence in the riots as an opportunity to serve its lord as the landlord (the occupier regime of Israel) ordered by it and is going to play its role for the enemy as spy. The Baha’is must be emphasized that the patience of people and the system of the government of Iran is limited. Playing in the land of the enemies of Iran is costly.



[۱] Cults and religions site, the news title: The bold trace of the elements of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Isfahan riots, the news code: 3713, dated Azar, 9, 1400.

[۲] Rowhani, Imam Khomeini’s (P.H.) movement, Tehran: 15th edition, 1381 S.H., the Baha’i assembly’s letter to Khosrawani, dated 1342/3/20, No. 123/Kh, Vol. 1, p. 1516.

[۳] Zahed Zahedani, Baha’ism in Iran, Bija: the center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution, 1381 S.H., pp. 307-317.

[۴] For more studies refer to the article: The role of Baha’ism in forming 1388 Ashoora.

[۵] For more studies refer to the article: The role of Baha’ism in 1396 riots.

[۶] For more studies refer to the article: The Baha’i elements, the leaders of riots in some regions of the country

[۷] For more studies refer to the article: The United Nations resolution in defensing the Baha’is of Iran!

[۸] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, p. 2336.

[۹] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 93, paragraph: 95.

Bahaism in Iran
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