کد خبر:3062

The British government was Abdul Baha’s Kiblah. However, what did England do with the Iranian land?

While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting it. The Baha’ism organization is trying to exploit this game using the Baha’i assemblies based on various places. For this reason, we […]

While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting it. The Baha’ism organization is trying to exploit this game using the Baha’i assemblies based on various places. For this reason, we are investigating the position and the viewpoint of the so-called leader of the deviant cult.

The Excellency Abbas Effendi receives the highest governmental medal proudly after serving the British army which led to the failure of the Ottoman government and the establishment of the Zionistic regime at last. Nevertheless, it seems he has forgotten the Iranian people Holocaust ended in the massacre of its population.

Photos reveals savagery and villainy. O’ the Baha’is and the claimants of human right, pay attention to these photos carefully.


Bahaism in Iran
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