کد خبر:3546

The Baha’i commandments part-39

The more stranger than strange commandments Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri considers himself as the new prophet and the claimant of modern and new religion for the 21th human being. What is his consequences for the human being who is thirsty for justice and tranquility and how is he acting the equality between men and women: […]

آنچه در ادامه می خوانید

The more stranger than strange commandments

Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri considers himself as the new prophet and the claimant of modern and new religion for the 21th human being. What is his consequences for the human being who is thirsty for justice and tranquility and how is he acting the equality between men and women:

۱- Cleaning unclean thing by saying “Allah is the cleanest” for five times towards the unclean thing when there is no water. (The book Aqdas, p. 5)

۲- Prohibition of group prayer (page 5)

کتب علیکم صلوه فردی قد رفع حکم الجاعه

     ۳- Dividing heritage strangely and the difference between men and women in heritage shares

Bahaullah has divided heir into 7 classes and the total heritage into 42 shares:

۱- Male and female offspring: 18 shares

۲- Husband or wife: 6.5 shares

۳- Father: 5.5 shares

۴- Mother: 4.5 shares

۵- Brothers: 3.5 shares

۶- Sisters: 2.5 shares

۷- Teachers: 1.5 shares!!!? (Pay attention to the equality between men and women!!???)

۴- The residential house and the special cloths of the deceased person are for the male offspring and the girls have no right to it.

۵- If a person died and didn’t have any offspring, all of his/her properties will belong to the universal house of justice (in Heifa of Israel)!!?

۶- Women are not merited for performing the Baha’i Hajj:

قد حکم الله لمن استطاع منکم حج البیت دون النساء

It should be said that the Baha’i Hajj is visiting Ali Muhammad Bab’s house!!!? In Shiraz city and Redhvan garden in Baqdad (The residence and the place for Mirza Hussein Ali’s claim) and their Kiblah is Mirza Hussein Ali’s grave in Acre, Israel. It means that the Baha’is have two Kiblahs!!?? Additionally; for the first time, the grave of a human being has become Kiblah for the modern humanity!!!

۷- By one thousand years after writing the book Aqdas, humanity is condemned to accept these commandments and everybody who claims for a new religion is a liar. (page 11)

۸- The interesting commandment of theif (If she is a woman, no commandment has been said)

“قد کتب علی السارق النفی و الحبس و فی الثالث فاجعلوا فی جبینه علامه یعرف بها (صفحه ۱۴)

“If a man robs, exile him first and then imprison him and for the third time, brand him on his forhead.”

۹- The universal house of justice is the place for collecting money of adultery and illegitimate affairs unlimitedly.

“قد حکمک الله لکل زان و زانیه دیه مسلمه الی بیت العدل و هی تسعه مثاقیل من ذهب و ان عادا مره الاخری عودوا بضعف الجزاء (صفحه ۱۵)

     ۱۰- The commandment for burning human being due to crating fire:

“من احرق بیتاً معتمداً فاحرقوه و من قتل نفشا فاقتلوه (صفحه ۱۸)

“Should anyone intentionally destroy a house by fire, him also shall ye burn; should anyone deliberately take another’s life, him also shall ye put to death (page 18)

۱۱- The allowance for a man to get married with two women and employing a maid or virgin girl to serve men??!!

“قد کتب الله علیکم النکاح ایاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الانثنین والذی اقتنح بواحده من الاماء استراحت نفسه و من اتخذ بکرا لاباس علیه”

Is it the concept of equality between men and women in Baha’ism? Should a woman be man’s maid according to Bahaullah’s view? Is it the concept of the oneness of human world??

۱۲- Unclean things are clean according to the Baha’is:

“و کذلک رفع حکم دون الطهاره عن کل الاشیاء (صفحه ۲۱)

     ۱۳- The vagueness of getting married with the intiment and the lack of the legitimate ruling on marriage with the intimate in Baha’ism:

“قد حرمت علیکم ازواج آبائکم (صفحه ۳۰)

The Excellency Hussein Ali Nouri has announced getting married with father’s wife as illegitimate and hasn’t issued any commandment regarding getting married with other intimates.

۱۴- The lack of any commandment regarding sodomy with slaves and boys:

“انا نستحیی ان نذکر حکم الغلمان (صفحه ۳۰)

This new prophet says he will ashamed to state the commandment of sodomy. Anyway, if a Baha’i commits the ugly act of sodomy and homosexuality, what will be his punishment in Baha’ism? What is the modern human community’s duty that seeks for justice and peace?

۱۵- The burial of dead bodies in crystal coffins, precious stones and expensive woods:

“قد حکم الله دفن الاموات فی البلور و الاحجار الممتنعه او الاخشاب الصلبه اللطیفه (صفحه ۴۴)

     ۱۶- The non-practical commandment for making others sad:

“من یحزن احدا ان ینفق تسعه عشر مثقالاً من الذهب (صفحه ۳۹)

 A person who makes a person unhappy, he/she must pay 19 methqal gold!!!

Learning Consequence:

Dear readers, you became familiar with several examples of Baha’ism religious laws in Persian and Arabic languages (written by Mirza Ali Muhammad Bab and the religious law books of Baha’ism; that is the book Aqdas (written by Hussein Ali Bahaullah). Are these commandments are in accordance with the needs of the modern human being and aren’t the Baha’is ashamed of considering themselves as the supporters of a new religion which claims for the oneness of humane world???

Consequently, shouting slogans such as the oneness of humane world is a fallacy to deceive the Baha’is and ignorant people because the historical currents and the commandment books and the Baha’i orders all clearly show the Baha’ism contradiction against such slogans.


Bahaism in Iran
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