کد خبر:4038

Question: Why was Ali Muhammad Bab executed if he repented?

Without answering to documentation of Bab’s repentance, the Baha’i proselytizers answer a fault in documentation of his repentance: Why has Baba been executed if he has repented?! While he has been considered as intrinsic apostate and his repentance wasn’t accepted first and second Ali Muhammad Bab wasn’t exec just due to his apostasy from Islam […]

Without answering to documentation of Bab’s repentance, the Baha’i proselytizers answer a fault in documentation of his repentance: Why has Baba been executed if he has repented?! While he has been considered as intrinsic apostate and his repentance wasn’t accepted first and second Ali Muhammad Bab wasn’t exec just due to his apostasy from Islam and his bond with claim.

Although the first group Baha’i texts are declaring Bab’s execution and turning against his claims; but from the beginning till now, the Baha’is are going to reject their leaders repentance. Consequently; without answering to the documentation of Bab’s repentance in the Baha’i references they answer: Why has Ali Muhammad Bab has been executed if he had repented?! Doesn’t his execution mean his endurance in his claim and his legitimacy?!


۱- Each Muslim who has been born by Muslim father and mother will be an intrinsic apostate according to legislator terminology if he/she announce his/her turning against Islam or opposes one of the necessities of the religion of Islam. Repenting such a person won’t be acceptable and can prevent him/her to be executed.[1] Consequently, Ali Muhammad Shirazi who was born by Muslim parents and expressed the abolishment of the religion of Islam repented but his repentance wasn’t accepted due to his intrinsic apostasy. Thus, Tabriz assembly for making him repented wasn’t held; but it was held to verify his claims and to explain his truth to his followers. So. The Baha’i proselytizers can’t introduce his execution as a reason for not repenting buy him.

۲- It is interesting to be known that Ali Muhammad Bab’s execution wasn’t done due to his apostasy and not bonding with his false claim because according to Abul Fadhl Golpaygani (one of the famous proselytizers of Baha’ism), Ali Muhammad Shirazi wasn’t executed due to his madness after being failed in Tabriz debate which ended in his second repentance (in Shiraz and Tabriz) [Because a mad apostate won’t be executed according to the Islamic jurisprudence]

۳- The Baha’i proselytizers haven’t ever been able to answer for Bab’s execution.



[۱] Refer to Muhammad Hassan Najafi, Jawaherul Kalem, Beirut, Darul Ehya Al-Torath Al-Arabi, 1362 A.H., Vol. 41, p. 605.

Bahaism in Iran
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