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Supporting racism and discrimination by Baha’ism

A glance at Baha’ism position concerning American elections Not long ago, the ex-president of the U.S.A., Donald Trump failed in the election campaign and Joe Biden dominated him. Supporting Trump by some parties, cults and non-American groups is worthy to be paid attention. Meantime, Baha’ism organization and media were doing many activities and measures in […]

A glance at Baha’ism position concerning American elections

Not long ago, the ex-president of the U.S.A., Donald Trump failed in the election campaign and Joe Biden dominated him. Supporting Trump by some parties, cults and non-American groups is worthy to be paid attention.

Meantime, Baha’ism organization and media were doing many activities and measures in various countries and openly supported Trump. Although Baha’ism cult supported Trump, but he has had many speech and measures against equal rights of human beings and even environment as a racist; and according to many experts, racist movements and supremacist ones in America were revitalized after the victory of Donald Trump in presidential elections of the country.

Of course, loving America and the west has a historical background in Baha’ism and the heads of the cult such as Abbas Effendi has confessed it a lot.

It is good to glance at racist report paper of Donald Trump. During his presidential period of time, he gave a speech in a meeting pointing out the immigrations of some people from Haiti, El Salvador and several African countries to America: “Why do we let people from the countries where are sinkholes to come here.[1]” he continued: “These Negros are counting my money. How disgusting! The only people I like to count my money are those short yarmulke wearing [Jewish] people… This person is really lazy to me. Of course, he isn’t guilty. Laziness is in the nature of the blacks. I say seriously. It is so, they aren’t guilty.[2]

In 1973 A.D., Trump and his father were accused for racism measures. They were complained by the citizen right sections of the ministry of justice of the United States due to creating basic barrier for using equal opportunities in Trump buildings.[3]

In addition to his racism speech and sexual insults, tens of women claimed for being raped by Trump[4]. However, the Baha’ism head supported the racism rules of Trump against Muslims and Iranian people.

The bilateral supports of Baha’ism and the American government during the presidential elections of Trump are indicating the clear enmity of this cult against Iran and Iranian people. For example, following the martyrdom of General Qasem Soleimani, the Baha’i traitors could not hide their shameless joy due to the crime committed by their master, Trump. They also attributed the terrorist title to this symbol of resistance, Qasem Soleimani.

By: Matin Hamid

[۱] Racism is quickening again in America with Trump (Reacting to Trump’s insult to the people of African countries), Pars Today site, Day 26, 1396 S.H.

[۲] Lopez, German, the narration of the long precedent of Trump in racism, since 1970 A.D. to 2018 A.D.

[۳] Kaufman, will, “The old Trump and the racist foundations of estates emperor, Oct. 3, 2018.

[۴] Kelly Mc, “president Trump and sexual abuse accusations, Washington Post site, Nov. 22, 2017 A.D.

Bahaism in Iran
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