کد خبر:4260

The Baha’i belief: Religion must cause affection and kindness

One of the other principles of the Baha’i beliefs is the affection in religion. According to this principle, religion must cause affection. So, if religion doesn’t cause affection, irreligion will be better (Ashraf, Faramarz, the collection of materials of the Baha’i religion summarized by the national institute of the faith press.) In this regard, Abbas […]

One of the other principles of the Baha’i beliefs is the affection in religion. According to this principle, religion must cause affection. So, if religion doesn’t cause affection, irreligion will be better (Ashraf, Faramarz, the collection of materials of the Baha’i religion summarized by the national institute of the faith press.)

In this regard, Abbas Effendi says: “Religion resembles a remedy. Of course, if remedy causes illness, incurability will be better. So, if religion causes war and murder; of course, irreligion will be better.” (Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the national institute of the faith press.)

Also, it is narrated by Hussein Ali Nouri that: “O’ people of the world, the divine religion is for kindness and unity. Don’t make it to cause enmity and difference.“ (Nouri, Hussein Ali)

Hussein Ali Nouri has also said: “The heavenly sage says: Insulting resembles a sword and speaking softly resembles milk for the babies…” (Ibid)


Criticism of the principle of “religion must cause affection and kindness in the Baha’i texts and works:



Paying attention to the declaration of the leaders of the Baha’i cult reveals that they have called those who opposed Baha’ism as tyrants and enemies or have been threatened by the Baha’is.

Apparently, the Baha’i heads have forgotten that have introduced themselves to people as symbols of affection and kindness and have recommended people not to use hideous words. Isn’t it a contradiction!!!

Shoqi Effendi has used the following titles for the following people in a 42-page epistle. For instance:

  • Hussein Khan, Fars commander: Hussein is wretched
  • Saeedula Olama Barforoush is the most wretched.
  • Seyyed Mahmoud Isfahani whom was killed by the Baha’is in Acre city us ignoble Seyyed.
  • Sheikh Abdul Hussein Tehrani is malicious Sheikh.
  • The king Abdul Hamid is unclean.
  • Mirza Yahya is shameless, and scruple.
  • George Washington is the lowest of the low.
  • Mirza Taqi Khan Amir the great is fearless bloodthirsty.


By: Ms. Kiyani


Bahaism in Iran
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