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Basically, the human rights don’t have any position in the beliefs of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

An answer to the current report of Ahmad Shahid Recently; Ahmad Shahid, the so-called reporter of the United Nations Organization points out in his report to the human rights commission of the UN to what is called “the excessive insecurity being experienced by the Baha’i community in several countries in the Middle East and Africa. […]

An answer to the current report of Ahmad Shahid

Recently; Ahmad Shahid, the so-called reporter of the United Nations Organization points out in his report to the human rights commission of the UN to what is called “the excessive insecurity being experienced by the Baha’i community in several countries in the Middle East and Africa. Of course, the representative of this deviant cult has welcomed this report, too.

To answer the report, it seems it is better to come back to the national festival of “Baha’ism, the betrayal assembly” held nearly two month ago in Milad Hall, Karaj city.

The clergyman Ali Reza Rouzbahani, the chairman of Baha’ism cult department in Islamic propagation office expressed in the last ceremony of the second national festival of “Baha’ism, the assembly of betrayal” in Milad Hall, Karaj city: “Baha’ism is a deviant cult having nearly two-century history; that is 178 years emerged by the claim of a false man called Ali Muhammad.

His claim was paid attention by the Colonial movements because it had aimed the highest Shia center.

He clarified: In the earlier years of Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s claim, Manuchehr Khan Mo’atamed Al-Douleh, the ruler of Isfahan related the Colonial government of Russia directly and supported him to be flourished. Recently, the America senate has issued a resolution against our country.

Rouzbahani said: Yesterday morning, BBC correspondence had assigned its first page of its site and network to the issue of the Baha’is of Iran and it was really important for the arrogance movement.

He pointed out the past and present history of this deviant cult and stated: When Mirza Houssein Ali Nouri, the founder of the deviant cult of Baha’ism was imprisoned due to assassinating king Naseruddin, before imprisonment, he sought asylum to the Russian Embassy.

When he was imprisoned, the Russian ambassador personally tried to free him.

During its history, Baha’ism has used each opportunity to pose itself. For instance, today is 100th year of the entrance of Baha’ism in Tunisia and the total number of Baha’is of Tunisia is 1500 people. However, the total structure of Baha’ism is holding various seminars for them.

 human rights


Rouzbahani continued: Baha’ism has basically been made to confront human rights. The Baha’ism itself is one of the barriers of human beings to achieve their rights.


Bahaism in Iran
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