کد خبر:4373

Helping the poor is a serious contradiction with the principle of oneness

Concerning the poor and helping them, the Excellency Mirza Baha has been influenced by the new civilization environment and announced the poor’s begging as boycotted and has announced meeting their needs as forbidden. He states in the book Aqdas:   “لایحل السوال و من سئل حرم علیه العطاء قد کتب علی الکل ان یکسب و […]

Concerning the poor and helping them, the Excellency Mirza Baha has been influenced by the new civilization environment and announced the poor’s begging as boycotted and has announced meeting their needs as forbidden.

He states in the book Aqdas:


“لایحل السوال و من سئل حرم علیه العطاء قد کتب علی الکل ان یکسب و الذی عجز فللو کلاء و الاغنیاء ان یعینوا له ما یکفیه اعملوا حدود الله و سننه ثم احفظوها کما تحفظون اعینکم و لاتکونن من الخاسرین…”

“Begging isn’t legitimate and if a person begs it will be illegitimate to give him/her something: It is necessary for people to earn. If a person can’t earn, it will be necessary for the rich to determine a salary to pay to him/her…[۱]


Islam says: Begging is illegitimate unless at the time of helplessness. When it is the time of utmost need, begging is necessary in order for the person him/herself or his/her family not to be died. However, granting is nice in each situation. At the time of need, helping and granting to the poor is necessary.

The Baha’i verdict is surprising because it is said that it is illegitimate for the rich to help the needy!!! The Excellency Baha has considered meeting the poor’s needs as illegitimate, but he must have paid attention that granting and donating to the poor may presence their honors and save their lives.


By: S. Haeri


[۱] Page 39, line 10.

Bahaism in Iran
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