کد خبر:4715

When is the establishment of the universal peace according to Abdul Baha?

While the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered the divine leader’s science as infallible and related to the divine source, the Baha’ism leaders’ texts contain clear errors that the Baha’i heads have to correct them. For instance, Abdul Baha’s prediction concerning the fulfillment of general peace and establishment of Baha’i kingdom in 1957 A.D. has […]

While the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered the divine leader’s science as infallible and related to the divine source, the Baha’ism leaders’ texts contain clear errors that the Baha’i heads have to correct them. For instance, Abdul Baha’s prediction concerning the fulfillment of general peace and establishment of Baha’i kingdom in 1957 A.D. has been replaced by an important statement!

The forged self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered the divine leaders’ science as infallible and related to the divine source: “… Their science, power, kingdom and beauty and emergence have been originated from his ones. They are the origins of the divine sciences and the positions of wisdom and the sources of endless grace.[1]

While the Baha’i texts contain clear errors in text and literature and content to which the Baha’i heads have to confess: “other handwriting copes since 1280 A.H. and following this date have been investigated and there exist differences in the current copies that some Arabic sentences were corrected based on the literary rules.[2]

So, Vance Salisbury has mentioned some alterations in an article called the critical investigation of the Baha’i texts in 20th century. He writes about the censorship of Abdul Baha’s prediction date concerning the fulfillment of general peace and the establishment of the Baha’i kingdom in 1957 A.D.” “Maybe, the most important change in Bahaullah’s book and the new era has been occurred on page 212 published in 1923 A.D. This part has been called as the prediction of Baha’ism concerning the divine kingdom. In this part, Esslement narrates two last verses of the book Daniel in the Bible. Abdul Baha claims for 1335 days mentioned by Daniel is 1335 solar years since the departure of the holy prophet (P.H.) to Medina in 622 A.H., 1957 A.D. when he is asked: “For what are we waiting at the end of 1335 days?” he answers: “The general peace will be fulfilled completely. An international language will be developed. The misunderstandings will be removed, the Baha’i faith will be expanded, the oneness of humane world will be established and a really splendid period of time will be approached!” The next editions after Esslement’s death, his statements would be deviated so: Abdul Baha counted the time for the fulfillment of Daniel prophethood since the beginning of Islamic Hijrat year” and then Andul Baha has said in one of his tablets:

“لانّ بذلک التّاریخ ینقضی قرن من طلوع شمس الحقیقه”

(That is: Because based on that date, a century will be passed since rising the reality sun) “… Esslement has written that Abdul Baha has clearly said that this prediction must be counted since the beginning of Hijrat or the year 622 A.D. and special conditions will be fulfilled in 1957. When it was obvious that this Baha’i prediction wouldn’t be fulfilled, this statements were replaced by important ones existent to the present time[3].”



[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Iqan, Germany: The national Assembly of publishing the Baha’i works in Persian and Arabic languages, 1988 A.D. page 64.

[۲] Fadhel Mazandarani, the Asrarul athar, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 124 Badi’a Vol. 1, p. 268.

[۳] BAsiti, Moradi, Akhond Ali, Avaz-e-Dohol, 2nd edition, autumn 1394, p. 47.

Bahaism in Iran
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