کد خبر:4720

What is figured out of freedom by Baha’ism

In order to confront the democratic revolutions against the tyrants, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has liken liberalism to the fire of unquenchable sedition and assumed it as bestial and deceitful which causes human being to be impolite. However, he has introduced obeying the unrestrained commandments of his creed as the real freedom:   “انّ […]

In order to confront the democratic revolutions against the tyrants, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has liken liberalism to the fire of unquenchable sedition and assumed it as bestial and deceitful which causes human being to be impolite. However, he has introduced obeying the unrestrained commandments of his creed as the real freedom:


“انّ الحریة تنتهی عواقبها إلی الفتنة الّتی لاتخمد نارها؛ فاعلموا انّ مطالع الحرّيّة و مظاهرها هی الحيوان و لِلإنسان ينبغی ان يکون تحت سنن تحفظه عن جهل نفسه و ضرّ الماکرين؛ انّ الحرّيّة تخرج الانسان عن شئون الأدب و الوقار و تجعله من الارذلين”

“Definitely, freedom will be ended in sedition and riot which its fire won’t be put out. Know that freedom appearances and sources are bestial and it is deserving for human being to obey the traditions to save him/her from astray and to harm the deceitful. Surely, freedom will exit the human being out if politeness and serenity and make him/her be of the inferior.[1]

Nevertheless, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has introduced obeying his orders as the real concept of freedom:


“قُل الحریّة في اتباع أوامری لو أنتم من العارفین، لو اتبع الناس ما نزلنا لهم من سماء الوحی لتجدن أنفسهم في حریة بحته طوبی لمن عرف مراد الله فیما نزل مِن سماء مشیة المهیمنة علي العالمین”

“Say, freedom is in obeying my orders. If you are from the wise people, you will find yourselves in mere freedom in what we have sent down from the inspiration heaven. Lucky those who knew God’s aim in what has been sent from the heaven.[2]


Indeed, we are confirming that the mere freedom that is the complete chaos is in obeying Baha’s forged and made commandments. For instance, a person who can pay nine methqals gold to the universal house of justice is free to enjoy every woman or girl:


“قَد حَکَم الله لِکُلِ زانٍ و زانیة دیةً مسلمةً إلی بیت العدل و هِی تِسعَةُ مثاقیل مِنَ الذَّهَبِ”

“God has ordered each adulterous man and woman to pay atonement to the universal house of justice which is 9 methqals[3]


Generally speaking, the Baha’ism heads have made their followers relaxed by not appointing any punishment for many corruptions and have opened ways for their followers to be seditious and unrestrained. They have also rejected the day of judgment[4].

[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, pp. 116-117, paragraph 123.

[۲] Ibid.

[۳] Ibid, p. 47.

[۴] قال أین الجنة و النار قل الاولی لقایی و الاخری نفسک ایها المشرک المرتاب

Hussein Ali Nouri, Mobin, Bija, the national institute of the faith press publishing house, 120 Badi’a, p. 232.

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Bahaism in Iran
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