کد خبر:4724
mournin month

Why are the Baha’is dancing in Shia’s mourning month?

A former Baha’i said: The Baha’is have changed the birthday date of their leaders from the solar calendar to the lunar one, 1st and 2nd of the lunar month of Moharram and celebrated and dance during these days every year. Fatemeh Mohabbati, a former Baha’i said: Baha’ism isn’t a religion; but it is a cult. […]

A former Baha’i said: The Baha’is have changed the birthday date of their leaders from the solar calendar to the lunar one, 1st and 2nd of the lunar month of Moharram and celebrated and dance during these days every year.

Fatemeh Mohabbati, a former Baha’i said: Baha’ism isn’t a religion; but it is a cult. The followers of the cult don’t have any authority and all of their activities are under the supervision of an organization claiming for freedom of speech and thought.

She said: Baha’ism is a cult whose aim is to destroy the religion of Islam supported by Israel to achieve its aims.

Mohabbati said: Dividing the days of year without a special rule is one of their weapons; so that they have changed the birthday date of Ali Muhammad Bab and Hussein Ali Baha from solar calendar to the lunar one and defined as 1st and 2nd of the lunar month of Moharram and every year, they celebrate and dance during these days.

She expressed” The Baha’i organization is ordering the young girls to enter into the mourning assemblies of imam Hussein (P.H.) while they are adorned and unveiled to insult Imam Hussein’s mourning  ceremonies.

She said: The movements related to the deviant cult of Baha’ism’s organization came into streets in the 1388 S.H. riots and danced in the lunar month of Moharram and made some Husseini assemblies fire ordered by the universal house of justice.

She continued: The universal house of justice is located at Israel including nine people: four Iranian people and the rest are from the other countries. All of them are related to American and European intelligent services directly or indirectly.

Mohabbati continued: Nowadays, Is collapsing and destroying. The Baha’ism organization will surely be destroyed. So, it is better for the Baha’ism offspring to use the opportunity to come back to Islam arm in order not to be lost and hurt more.

Bahaism in Iran
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