کد خبر:5342

The Baha’i commandment –part 29

The commandment of breaking hearts in Baha’ism! Which was abolished later on In the book Aqdas, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has announced the abolishment of one of Bab’s commandments (concerning paying 19 methqals of gold as the punishment for making people sad). However, how was it possible for Ali Muhammad Shirazi who cursed his […]

The commandment of breaking hearts in Baha’ism! Which was abolished later on

In the book Aqdas, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has announced the abolishment of one of Bab’s commandments (concerning paying 19 methqals of gold as the punishment for making people sad). However, how was it possible for Ali Muhammad Shirazi who cursed his opponents tremendously and ordered all of his opponents to be killed didn’t afraid of them to be sad?!



The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has said in the book Aqdas regarding one of Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s commandments regarding breaking hearts:


قَد منعتُم فی الکتاب مِن الجِدال و النِزاع و الضَرب و أمثالها عَمّا تحزن به الافئدة و القلوب مَن يحزن أحداً فلَه ان ينفق تسعة عشر مثقالاً مِن الذَّهب هذا ما حکم به مولی العالمين[۱]


He continued and announced the abolishment of Babism leaders’ commandment and has written:


انّه قد عفا ذلک عنکم فی هذا الظّهور و يوصيکم بالبرّ و التّقوی امراً من عنده فی هذا اللّوح المنير[۲]



۱- Executing this commandment is problematic because sadness is a conscientious issue and there isn’t any general criterion to recognize it in order to use it to distinguish accuracy or untruth of the complainant’s claim.

۲- As the leader of Babism, Ali Muhammad Shirazi has ordered for all of his opponents to be killed which he has appointed 19 methqals of gold as the punishment for those who make others sad according to the forged prophet of Baha’ism claim. As Abdul Baha has said: “The commandments of the Bayan are the following ones: Beheading all people on the earth and burning all the books, conquering the east and west and destroying tombs. Can all these commandments be done in this era? No, I swear by God, it is impossible…[۳]

۳- Ali Muhammad Shirazi ha insulted the Iranian opponents and ordered them to be exited the Iranian lands (Azarbayjan, Khorasan, Mazandarani, Persia and Iraq) and all the books to be burned and all the tombs to be destroyed[4]. Hasn’t he thought that they would be sad and he must pay several tons of gold?!

۴- It is interesting to be known that the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism who was at first rejecting each kind of claim of abolishing the Excellency Bab’s commandments[5] appointed the punishment of 9 methqals of gold for his followers’ desecration![6]


[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p.139 , paragraph148.

[۲] Ibid, p. 140, paragraph 148.

[۳] Abbas Effendi, some extracts from the book Makatib, Germany, the national assembly of publishing the faith works, 2000 A.D., Vol. 4, p. 221.

[۴] Refer to Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Persian Bayan, p. 193; the best stories, the interpretation of Yosof chapter, chapters 96-102; Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 273; Asadullah Mazandarani, Zohorul Haqq, Vol. 3, p. 255 and… .

[۵] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the Eqtedarat and some other tablets, Bija: Bina, 1310 A.H., p. 45.

[۶] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 47, paragraph 49.

Bahaism in Iran
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