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democratic revolutions

Why does Baha’ism confront the democratic revolutions?!

To justify the leaders’ commandment concerning the mere obedience of the authoritarian governments, the Baha’i authors considered the government originated from society quality and each kind of opposition as unjustifiable. While most of the time, the foreign powers plan has formed a government or democratic revolutions contrary to people’s will and have been deviated in […]

To justify the leaders’ commandment concerning the mere obedience of the authoritarian governments, the Baha’i authors considered the government originated from society quality and each kind of opposition as unjustifiable. While most of the time, the foreign powers plan has formed a government or democratic revolutions contrary to people’s will and have been deviated in traversing their course.

The magazine “Ahang-e-Badi’a” as the formal organ of Baha’is has written to justify the Baha’i leaders commandment in obeying the authoritarian government merely and the lack of opposition with them[1]: “One of the definite issues is that the government is originated from society and people and the quality of morality and spirituality of people have created that government… Thus, opposing the government and its quality don’t have any reason and proof.[2]

However, to answer the leaders’ opposition and the Baha’ism organization against the Islamic Revolution, it should be said:

Although the government of each community must be based on the culture and the political insight, but history has shown that in most cases, the foreign powers plan or the elements of power and wealth has formed a government contrary to people’s will and has caused its existence to be continued while the majority of aware people have opposed such a government. On the other side, there have been numerous government during history which have been formed based on the democratic will but they have been deviated when continued and turned to tyranny. Thus, the occurrence of numerous revolution during history indicates the difference in people’s will even different from the governments originated from the society.

Consequently; in the divine religions, being silent against the evil deeds isn’t allowable and making people aware and trying to remove tyranny are divine orders and the general duties. So, according to the divine character of religions, silence, indifference and accepting tyranny are treacherous actions[3].

[۱] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, Vol. 8, pp. 246-247.

[۲] Ahang-e-Badi’a magazine, the formal organ of the Baha’is, Nol. 12, pp. 3-6.

[۳] The holy Quran, Chapter Al-Maideh, verses, 78-79.

Bahaism in Iran
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