کد خبر:5658

Concerning the transferring of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre

In one side, the Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic with the excuse of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism and in the other side, it disinters Baha’ism leaders’ dead bodies and transfers them to another city or country without their will! Disinterring grave and dead body of Abdul Baha from […]

In one side, the Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic with the excuse of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism and in the other side, it disinters Baha’ism leaders’ dead bodies and transfers them to another city or country without their will!

Disinterring grave and dead body of Abdul Baha from Heyfa to Acre aiming the increase in places and proselytizing constructions in Baha’ism has been done while the Baha’ism organization prohibits its followers to obey the government in transferring their dead bodies. It calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic of Iran using this excuse!

On the solar month of Day, 23, 1398 –Jan, 13, 2020 A.D.- the Baha’ism organization announced about the plan of the project of constructing Abdul Baha’s resting place in the occupied lands. Abdul Baha, the elder son of the Baha’ism founder Hussein Ali Nouri, his successor is one of the influential characters of the cult.

This building has been designed by Hussein Amanat (famous architect and the designer of the holy and administrative buildings of Baha’ism in Israel). Its construction was started at that time in the northern province of Israel between Heyfa and Acre. Abdul Baha’s dead body was in a room in Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s resting place in the city if Heyfa (Heyfa province of Israel) and to transfer its dead body to the new resting place in the city if Acre.[1]

Some Baha’is of Iran disobey the commandment of mere obedience of the government according to their cult’s orders when the government prohibits burial of their dead bodies in their dead bodies’ cities[2] and detract against the Islamic Republic of Iran and introduce the reason for not interfering their dead bodies to the distinguished graveyard as the Baha’ism commandment concerning the prohibition of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism.[3] As we read in the book “Aqdas”:


” حُرِّمَ عَلیکُم نقل المیّت أزیَد مِن مسافةِ ساعة فی المَدینة ادفنوهُ بالروح و الریحان فی مکانٍ قریب “[۴]


As you observed, the Baha’ism organization reminds about disinterring and transferring Abdul Baha’s dead body from Heyfa city to Acre. It had earlier reminded transferring Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s dead body to eh occupied Palestine and constructing a luxurious resting place for him!

So, it is obvious that the commandment of prohibition of transferring dead bodies from the place of death in Baha’ism is for the expansion of the numbers of Baha’i graveyards in various cities and constructing various building for proselytizing this cult. Consequently, Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic of Iran contrary to its function, but it issues a verdict to transfer Ali Muhammad Shirazi from Iran to occupied Palestine and Abdul Baha form Heyfa to Acre!



[۱] Narrated by the hostile medium, Iranwire, the News Title: Abdul Baha’s resting place is being constructed by the architect of Shahyad tower, dated: Shahrivar, 31, 1398, author: Arash Azizi.

[۲] Refer to Isshraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, 463.

[۳] For more studies refer to the article: The advanture of disintering a Baha’i person!

[۴] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 123, paragraph 130.

Bahaism in Iran
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