کد خبر:5769
abdul baha-Bahaiat

Why does Baha’ism follow the project of constructing Abdul Baha’s resting place?

Contrary to its slogan of philanthropy, the Baha’ism has practically shown that not only it doesn’t assign its rostrum in the United Nations to defend non-Baha’is, but also it doesn’t care its followers and misuses them. A cult which spends a large amount of money for Abdul Baha’s resting place and cares about its common […]

Contrary to its slogan of philanthropy, the Baha’ism has practically shown that not only it doesn’t assign its rostrum in the United Nations to defend non-Baha’is, but also it doesn’t care its followers and misuses them. A cult which spends a large amount of money for Abdul Baha’s resting place and cares about its common interests with the Zionistic regime.

۱۹۹th of Farvardin 1401 S.H., it was reported about the new resting place of Abdul Baha, the leader and elder son of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism in the media which was burnt. The Baha’i media remained silent and just the leadership foundation of Baha’ism mentioned several notes. The foundation called the universal house of justice reported the continuation of reconstruction immediately in its message.[1]

One of the media related to the Baha’ism organization reported about the individualistic architecture of the resting place and using desirable materials such as Italian stones and its landscape by gardens.[2]

Why does a cult whose aim is the oneness of the humane world assign its defends in the international organizations and human rights foundations merely to Baha’is and spend just for the organization of Baha’ism and its proselytizing whose innovation is human being unity and its slogan is the oneness of humane world[3]?! How is it possible for it not to have just as apologia in favor of non-Baha’is in human rights foundations?! It doesn’t have any achievement except for null slogans

Garden and installations of Baha’ism in Israel are of the places mentioned by the Zionists as their main touristic resources[4] and the Baha’ism organization is following its common interests with the Zionistic regime by constructing Abdul Baha’s resting place using the s\best materials (from Italian marvels to extensive advertisement in the world) because according to agreement between Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime, the Baha’is aren’t allowed to proselytize for its creed in Israel[5]. So, these extensive expenses aren’t spent for proselytizing in Israel and the consequence is to meet the common interest of Baha’ism and Israel.


[۱] The translation of the message of the foundation of leadership of Baha’ism, the universal house of justice addressing the national spiritual assemblies dated Apr. 8, 2022.

[۲] Narrated by the media related to the Baha’ism organization

[۳] Abbas Effendi, the sermons, Germany: the national assembly of preaching the faith works, 1921 A.D., Vol. 2, pp. 144-145.

[۴] Afkar News news site, the news title: The Baha’is garden and Israel’s honor with these gardens! News code: 170182, dated 1391/09/14.

[۵] The leadership foundation of Baha’ism, the universal house of justice answering a letter dated Jun, 25, 1995 A.D.

Bahaism in Iran
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