کد خبر:6070

The length of hair to such an extent that it reaches the ears!

The Baha’i commandment- part 27 In his book “The Aqdas”, the proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has forbidden shaving head hair and making it too long more than ears’ limits; while their photos are indicating that their hairs have been longer than their ears’ limits. It shows that they didn’t act to their forged commandments! Question: […]

The Baha’i commandment- part 27

In his book “The Aqdas”, the proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has forbidden shaving head hair and making it too long more than ears’ limits; while their photos are indicating that their hairs have been longer than their ears’ limits. It shows that they didn’t act to their forged commandments!

Question: Why wouldn’t your leaders act if they commandments were from God?!


The forged self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has introduced the extent of head hair so:


لا تَحلقوا رُؤسَكم قَد زَيَّنها الله بالشَّعر … لا يَنبغی أن يَتجاوزَ عن حدِّ الاذان هذا ما حَكمَ به مولی العالَمين

“Do not share your heads because God has adorned them with hair… It is not deserved for your hair to be longer than your ears’ limit. This is a commandment from the master of the world.[1]


Pay attention to the long hair of the Excellency Baha and Abdul Baha in the remained photos! Their long hair is indicating their forged commandments. They have not even acted their words!!!

[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, paragraph 44, p. 42.

Bahaism in Iran
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