کد خبر:6121

Is Abdul Baha respectful among the people of Palestine?

The Excellency Hussein Amanat has claimed for this issue that Abdul Baha is being respected by the people of Palestine because he has been unprejudiced and has had equal behaviors with all people and religions, but the Excellency Amanat didn’t answer to the following question: why did the British government bestow the highest medal of […]

The Excellency Hussein Amanat has claimed for this issue that Abdul Baha is being respected by the people of Palestine because he has been unprejudiced and has had equal behaviors with all people and religions, but the Excellency Amanat didn’t answer to the following question: why did the British government bestow the highest medal of England to the Excellency Abdul Baha when Palestine land was occupied by the British ruffians and the ominous seed of Zionism was established there?!!! A medal which is bestowed to those who are strengthening the bases of British Colonialism.

Amanat and the Baha’is are speaking about Abdul Baha as an unprejudiced one while he wasn’t basically considering non-Baha’is as human beings[1]and assuming Baha’is as superior.[2]



This member of the Baha’ism organization is considering populated funeral of Abdul Baha as a document for his popularity while it should be mentioned that the presence of Colonial agents in Abdul Baha’s funeral is due to his services to provide provisions for the British army to occupy the Palestine lands[3]

In Palestine, Abdul Baha was hiding his beliefs in the presence of Muslim scholars and was perking himself as a Muslim. He was also participating at Muslims’ group prayers[4]. This camouflage and hypocrisy of Abdul Baha in Palestine in hiding his beliefs has caused Palestine people and Muslims to participate at his funeral.

[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, Badi’a (answering to judge’s question), Rabiul Awwal, p. 140.

[۲] Khalil Shahidi, Khalil Shahidi’s memoirs, Bija: Bina, Bita, p. 152.

[۳] For more studies refer to the article: Lady Bloomfield’s narration about Abdul Baha’s role in Ottoman failure.

[۴] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, Rahiq Makhtoum, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 131 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 171.

Bahaism in Iran
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