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When the preacher of violence holds a conference against violence!!!

How can the Baha’ism organization speak about its role in peaceful life and avoiding violence while it possesses harsh commandments in its reports card and expands hate against its opponents! The Baha’ism organization claimed for its role in peaceful life in Tunisia while the Baha’ism thought is in contrast with peaceful co-existence and it invites […]

How can the Baha’ism organization speak about its role in peaceful life and avoiding violence while it possesses harsh commandments in its reports card and expands hate against its opponents!

The Baha’ism organization claimed for its role in peaceful life in Tunisia while the Baha’ism thought is in contrast with peaceful co-existence and it invites to irrational violence!

In a ceremony held by the Baha’ism organization in Tunisia on the occasion of bicentennial anniversary of its arrival to this country, the issue of dominance on violence and the role of Baha’ism in peaceful co-existence in this country was investigated. As it is read in this meeting:

“They held a conference with the issue of peaceful co-existence recently. This conference was hold by the Baha’is foreign affairs office in this country and nearly 50 journalists, masters of universities, religious leaders and representatives of civil community were gathered to particularly investigate the issue. The conference was held in which 20 journalists of important newspapers of Tunisia covered it including 2 short films investigating the participations of the Baha’i organization in strengthening co-existence in this country during last 100 years.[1]

To investigate the role of Baha’ism belief in peaceful co-existence and dominance on violence, the following notes are worthy to be mentioned:

۱- To dominate on violence and to fulfil peaceful co-existence, avoiding the deviant cult of Baha’ism thought must be paid attention not believing in Baha’ism; because Baha’ism belief is in contrast with peaceful co-existence.

Can the deviant cult of Baha’ism prophet who has fend his opponents and invited them to confront against the non-Baha’is severely and in agonizing manner speak about the peaceful co-existence?!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has said:

“كُن كَشُعلة النّار لِأعدائی و كوثر البقاء لِأحبّائی”[۲]

“أنتُم یا أحِباءالله کُونُوا سحاب الفَضل لِمَن آمَنَ بِاللهِ و آیاتِه و عَذابُ المَحتُوم لِمَن کَفَرَ بِالله و أمرِه”[۳]

Can a cult which has ordered to brand the thieves[4] and to burn a human being for burning a house[5] have a role in preventing violence?!!!

۲- The Baha’i leaders have considered being sheep and kissing the tyrants’ hands as strategies for ending violence and the beginning for peaceful life.[6]

Why hasn’t the Baha’ism organization acted the strategy of its leaders and complained in the international foundations with the excuse of violating the human rights instead of kissing the hands of this country officials[7]?!

Yes, a cult which has introduced its existence along with enmity and unprecedented hostility[8] which hasn’t been able to have nice relationships with its close relatives[9] can’t hide its hostile nature and real image.


[۱] Narrated by the media related to the Baha’ism organization.

[۲] Hussein Ali Nouri, the prayers of the Excellency Beloved, Egypt: 1339 A.H., p. 196.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Tablets, printed in Egypt, Sa’adat publishing house, 1920 A.D., p. 216.

[۴] “قَد کتب عَلی السارِق النَفی و الحَبس و فی الثالث فاجعَلوُا فی جَبینِهِ عَلامةٌ عُرِفَ بها لِئلا تَقبلَهُ مَدنِ الله و دیارِه إیّاکُم أن تأخذَکُم الرَأفة فی دینِ الله إعمَلُوا ما اُمِرتُم بِهِ مِن لَدُن مُشفقٍ الرَحیم”

Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 43, paragraph 45.

[۵] “مَن آَحرَقَ بیتاً مُتِعَمِدَاً فَاحرِقوه و من قتل نفساً عامداً فاقتلوه”

Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, pp. 56-57.

[۶] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: attempted by Farajullah Zakiul Kurdi, 1921 Aa.D., 1st edition, Vol. 3, p. 123.

[۷] For more studies refer to the article: Ahmad Shahid’s report about the conditions of the Baha’is of Tunisia

[۸] Hussein AlI Nouri, the Iqan, Germany: the national assembly of the faith works, 1998 A.D., p. 165.

[۹] For more studies refer to the article: The reason for difference in Baha’ism after Bahaullah.

Bahaism in Iran
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