کد خبر:6703

The deniers of Bahaullah’s position according to the self-proclaimed prophet!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered his deniers performances as false and their position as being in the hell. However, as the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism forbade interpreting his statements; how is possible for rejecting the hell or being merited for it his opponents to be in the hell is compatible?! Also, how is […]

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered his deniers performances as false and their position as being in the hell. However, as the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism forbade interpreting his statements; how is possible for rejecting the hell or being merited for it his opponents to be in the hell is compatible?! Also, how is it possible for the slogan of removing theological differences to be compatible with his opponents to be merited for fire?!

In the works of the highest pen, Hussein Ali Nouri writes:


“تالله یقبل الیوم مِن احدٍ شیءٍ الّا بعد حبه و کفی الله بذلک لشهید و خبیر”

“I swear by God that today no performance will be accepted by anybody except after having affecting with him (the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism) and God is enough for this affair as evidence and proof[1]. “If a person worships God from eternity without beginning to eternity without end; but he/she isn’t affectionate with this slave (That is Hussein Ali Nouri); his/her actions won’t be accepted and angels will hit his/her actions on his/her head; so that he/she will be returned to the lowest part of the hell.”

Nevertheless, because the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has announced each kind of interpretation of his statement as forbidden[2], his claims will be investigated as follows:

۱- How has Hussein Ali Nouri considered his opponents positions in the lowest part of the hell while he has continually rejected the original existence of heaven and hell and has deviated the Quranic verses in this regard?![3]

۲- How is it possible for him to shout the slogan of the oneness of humane world and removing the theological differences[4] and also he considered his deniers’ actions as null and false and merited for fire?!


[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the works of the highest pen, Canada: The national institute of the Baha’i knowledge, 3rd edition, 2002 A.D., Vol. 2, tablet 81, pp. 474-475.

[۲] Refer to Hussein Ali, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 102.

[۳] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, a tablet which addresses Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Mujtahid Isfani (Known as Najafi), Bija: Bina, Bita, p. 86.

[۴] Refer to Ahmad Yazdani, A glance at the Baha’i religion, Tehran: The national assembly of the faith press, 1328 S.H., p. 32.

Bahaism in Iran
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