کد خبر:6794

Assume a community in which the Baha’is are in majority!

The community in which the Baha’is are in majority, non-Baha’is will be boycotted and the proselytizing slogans of Baha’ism will be meaningless. Of course, Baha’ism has shown in action that even the minority can’t also be a factor for its monopolism. Although Baha’ism is shouting the slogan of humanity because they are in minority. However, […]

The community in which the Baha’is are in majority, non-Baha’is will be boycotted and the proselytizing slogans of Baha’ism will be meaningless. Of course, Baha’ism has shown in action that even the minority can’t also be a factor for its monopolism.

Although Baha’ism is shouting the slogan of humanity because they are in minority. However, in fact, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has scattered the seed of enmity in his followers’ hearts.

As the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has forbidden his followers to visit non-Baha’is; “Don’t have social intercourse with those who aren’t believe in God and his verses (:those who don’t accept Baha’ism) and avoid people like them.[1]” Or he has said: “It is necessary for each person to avoid malicious people (:non-Baha’is)[2]. He has also ordered not to have social intercourses with non-Baha’is:


“انقطع عن الذین اشرکوا و کانوا من الخاسرین”

“Cut your relationships with those who became polytheists and maleficent (:non-Baha’is)[3]


Yes, in a community in which the Baha’is are minority, non-Baha’is will be boycotted and the proselytizing slogans of Baha’ism will be meaningless. Of course, Baha’ism has shown in action that even the minority can’t also be a factor for its monopolism.[4] Anyway, the peaceful co-existence with the followers of all religions is just null slogan in this cult.[5]



[۱] “لا تعاشروا مع الذین هم کفروا بالله و آیاته ثم اجتنبوا عن مثل هولاء”

Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Vol. 8, p. 39

[۲] Ibid.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the blessed tablets, Cairo: Sa’adat publishing house, 1920 A.D., p. 90

[۴] Refer to Shoqi Effendi, the Blessed Writings, BIja: the national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, Vol. 4, pp. 94-95

[۵] Refer to Ahmad YAzdani, A glance at the Baha’i religion, Tehran: the national assembly of the faith press, 1328, p.51.

Bahaism in Iran
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