کد خبر:6841

Who told my fox to tell your witness?

Hussein Amanat, the famous Baha’i architect narrates from Sir Herbert Samuel about Abdul Baha’s popularity. Sir Herbert Samuel is one of the famous Zionists and the first British supreme commissioner after Palestine being occupied. How can Baha’ism be a divine religion while it consistently praise the   Colonialists. In an interview with the hostile media, Hussein […]

Hussein Amanat, the famous Baha’i architect narrates from Sir Herbert Samuel about Abdul Baha’s popularity. Sir Herbert Samuel is one of the famous Zionists and the first British supreme commissioner after Palestine being occupied.

How can Baha’ism be a divine religion while it consistently praise the   Colonialists.

In an interview with the hostile media, Hussein Amanat spoke about the reason for building the new resting place and transferring Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre city from Haifa in occupied Palestine as respecting him in this city and Palestine land.

Amanat ratiocinated to Sir Herbert Samuel to describe the funeral of Abdul Baha (the elder offspring of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism): “The historical documents have recorded Abdul Baha’s funeral; for instance, Sir Herbert Samuel the then British supreme commissioner in Palestine has pointed out the participation of more than 10,000 people in the funeral while the total population of Haifa city at that time was 20,000 ones.[1]

This member of Baha’ism organization narrated this story while Sir Herbert Samuel was the first British supreme commissioner in Palestine after occupy it during World War I. after occupying Palestine dated June 30, 1920 A.D. Samuel took over this post. How was one of the activists and thinkers of Zionism[2].

Supporting Baha’ism by this high ranking agent was too much that Rouhieh Maxwell, the guardian of Baha’ism faith’s wife has proudly mentioned him pointing out his husband Shoqi Effendi’s thankful and flattering letter to Samuel: “(Shoqi Effendi sent a letter to him which was full of friendly emotions every sentence of which became a firm loop in the nice relationship between the faith center and the government of this country.[3]

Of course, the forged prophet of Baha’ism has continually praised the British justice[4]. A confess which proves Baha’ism as a fake faith. According to holy Quran:


“وَ لا تَرْکَنُوا إِلَي الَّذينَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّکُمُ النَّارُ وَ ما لَکُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِياءَ ثُمَّ لا تُنْصَرُونَ [هود/۱۱۳]”

“And incline not toward those who do wrong lest the Fire touch you, and ye have no protecting friends against Allah, and afterward ye would not be help.” [Al-Hud/113]


[۱] Iranwire medium, An interview with Hussein Amanat, dated: Shahrivar 31, 1398 S.H.

[۲] Hussein Abadiyan, Iran, from the constitution fall to the coup Isfand, 3., p. 19.

[۳] Rouhieh Maxwell, the unique gem, translated by: Abul Qasem Feizi, the electronic copy, p. 425.

[۴] Refer to Muhammad Baqer Najafi, the Baha’is, Tehran: Ma’shar publishing house, 1383 S.H, p. 648; Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Farajullah Zakiul Kurdi, 1921 A.D. Vol. 3, p. 347

Bahaism in Iran
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